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DWM seeking new normal

Posted: April 17th, 2015, 12:40 pm
by judasiscariotjr
I'm sure someone has mentioned this somewhere on here, but this thought keeps bugging me today: Why is it any little bit of happiness or progress seems like an aberration and depression seems like the norm? Lately, I am finding this to be true even as I sometimes go from 70% depressed/30% happy to 50/50 or even on rare occasions, 60/40. I have seen some things start to shift as I have continued on this journey over the years, but that seems like an obstacle that isn't getting any smaller. On my bad days I feel like I can see the progress I've made just being wiped away in an instant and everything inevitably going to hell.

Re: DWM seeking new normal

Posted: April 17th, 2015, 1:56 pm
by manuel_moe_g
So true, the negative instance is so much more vivid than the positive instance. Keep on fighting, judasiscariotjr, you deserve that brighter day.

Re: DWM seeking new normal

Posted: June 30th, 2015, 4:15 pm
by Brooke
I've been thinking the same thing recently... I've even asked myself, "Do you LIKE to be depressed and anxious?" I feel like if I try to think positively, I get anxiety and unstable. When I go to sleep, I think about my absolute worst fears and psych myself out. And as demoralizing it is, I think I do go to depression and anxiety for comfort because I don't know what it feels like to truly be happy and positive.

Today, these memories of people being rude and disrespectful kept coming up and when I asked myself why I am doing this, I realized I'm doing this so that I can be "prepared" for the world where there's cold and mean people out there. It's so I won't be disappointed and feel betrayed when people do treat me bad in the future. How sad is that? I can't accept that there's people out there struggling with their own issues and give them slack. Instead, I take it to heart and am deeply offended. Then it leads to me feeling so invaluable that I think, "They are treating me this way because I'm not hard and tough enough." So therefore, I remember all of these incidences to "toughen myself up." But it doesn' only depresses me further...

I know I'm not making sense at all, but this is how I think...