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Best description of depression Ive ever read

Posted: May 9th, 2013, 1:35 am
by Bot Ross

Re: Best description of depression Ive ever read

Posted: May 9th, 2013, 7:23 am
by BotRoss
and the follow up piece that came out today after over a year of abscence ... t-two.html

Re: Best description of depression Ive ever read

Posted: May 9th, 2013, 8:59 am
by The Grim Snark
That is so spot on! A while back my depression came at me like Arnold Schwarzenegger in that scene in Commando where he's brandishing a huge knife and saying, "Let's pah-ty!" (

At one point I was trying to explain to a relative how I was feeling, but couldn't get my point across. She kept hearing that I was angry (I think she was projecting a little, based on what I know about her life). I kept trying to explain, "No, I WISH I had enough energy to be angry. I'm just hollowed out. I feel nothing."

I wish I had this strip back then.

I can really relate to the feeling of not exactly wanting to kill myself, more like not wanting to exist. Also the line "Is this some weird game where you name all the things I can't do?". And the metaphor of the dead fish. And coming out of it where the first feelings are anger then crying.

"I agreed to see a doctor so that everyone would stop having all of their feelings at me. " LOL

Re: Best description of depression Ive ever read

Posted: May 11th, 2013, 1:44 am
by Bot Ross
Mental Illness International :)

Re: Best description of depression Ive ever read

Posted: May 18th, 2013, 4:14 am
by D arlene
So I said:
OMG Bot, I am also in Berlin!
And then he said:
Mental Illness International :)
And then I said:
They're everywhere :twisted: