New home "AKA" fortress of solitude
Posted: September 4th, 2014, 8:37 pm
Well I thought id post on here because I am feeling kinda low. I have struggled with moderate depression for most of my life. I was ignored or verbaly abused most of my childhood; my mother is a narcissist and my father is an ex alcoholic workaholic. I moved around allot as a kid and It made having friends and fitting in difficult. I did once stay in a place long enought to make a good group of friends. It just made moving away harder and it was followed by a new area were I always felt different, ostracized and even bullied. I have tended to isolate myself ever since. Fast track 10 years later and I have been force to move yet again because of the company I work for. I packed all my stuff and moved 1000k north to a rough mining town. Here I lay in my new home. My first house should be exciting but it feels like a prison. It doesnt feel so bad when I go to work because I get some human contact but I work shift and my schedule involves working almost every day and long stretches off. I am currently on my 7th day off in a row and my only human contact has been with my uncle for about 5 minutes when he stopped by this afternoon to answer a question. My last day of work was a nightshift and I have been sleeping in till noon or latter ever since. I have projects I could be working on, a motorcycle to ride or hitting the gym but It all feels so useless because they would only be for myself and im not really that important. I just sit at my computer, play video games, chain smoke cigars and listen to podcasts so I dont feel so lonely. I barely have any appetite and force myself to eat a couple times a day. I searched and there are no depression support groups in the town. And I just dont feel like id be good company to whatever "normal" people I could find in a social activity. I tend to just curl up and isolate when all I need is to go out join something interact with someone. I could go on but I feel like this is long enough for people not to want to read as it is.