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Living with a schizophrenic

Posted: April 1st, 2015, 2:41 am
by BillyF
I have a sister with schizophrenia. Our family has been suffering with her. Since she turned 18, her first symptoms were aggressiveness, not able to sleep, stay like statue, talk illogically,etc. It has been a nightmare to our family.
Her doctor gave her medication with which she is able to do her personal needs. When she skips the meds, the schizo attacks come back. Her college mates and professor treats her with indifference and this doesn't help her social skill at all.

She has constant mood swing even with medication. We found out that the food plays a key role for brain reaction on to mood swing.Processed food, can food are definitely big NO. Food with preservative make her whole body itchy with red lumps.

Has diet restriction helped other schizophrenia patients?


Re: Living with a schizophrenic

Posted: June 13th, 2015, 6:42 am
by donkarp
Living With...

You might check out this PDF:
Beyond Psychotropics: A Practical Introduction to Non-Drug Therapies and Wellness Basics for Adult Mental Health

Meanwhile, you and the rest of your family should watch this animated video:

And read my article:
15 Truths About Schizophrenia Many People May Not Know ... -know.html