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Toward a Molecular Explanation for Schizophrenia

Posted: January 1st, 2014, 7:07 am
by ScottMentalPod
This is why sleep is SO important! If you have Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective, and you're having problems sleeping, do a sleep study.

Found on Reddit: Toward a Molecular Explanation for Schizophrenia ... e&id=19583

"We discovered a new pathway that plays a part in schizophrenia," said Prof. Gozes. "By identifying and targeting the proteins known to be involved in the pathway, we may be able to diagnose and treat the disease in new and more effective ways."

"Autophagy is like the cell's housekeeping service, cleaning up unnecessary and dysfunctional cellular components. The process — in which a membrane engulfs and consumes the clutter — is essential to maintaining cellular health. But when autophagy is blocked, it can lead to cell death. Several studies have tentatively linked blocked autophagy to the death of brain cells seen in Alzheimer's disease."

Does Sleep Sweep the Brain? ... Brain.html

Orexin will be out soon and should help: