freaking over anxiety and depression

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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by yes74 »

I'm doing a construction job today for a friend. I'm sitting here in my car with butterflies in my stomach but at least I'm doing something. I have a job interview on Mon. Even though its far from where I live and isn't what I want to do I guess I'll go. Hopefully things get better I'm still stressed and depressed.
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by bigeekgirl »

I wish you the best on your interview. You are doing great. It's so hard to move forward when you are feeling the way you are, but it's so worth it to be in a better place. I hope you are proud of yourself already for what you have done.
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by yes74 »

Things are getting a little better and the interview went well. Its a little stressful still but the worst thoughts are gone.
Keeping busy really helps. Ill probably be working tomorrow. Things definitely look brighter :)
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by bigeekgirl »

I'm happy for your progress. Be well, my friend.
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by yes74 »

I'm a little sad tonight but I'm still in a safe place. Just thinking about random things in my past, plus I have a bad cold. I've been reading a bunch of books on cognitive behavioral therapy and that seems to be helping. I'm sure I'll feel better tomorrow.
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by yes74 »

So I'm feeling pretty good lately but this cold is still bringing me down. I haven't been able to work for the last couple of days on this plumbing job I'm doing but I still am keeping myself pretty busy. Scheduling my activities, cleaning ,reading self help books and looking for jobs. Tomorrow I have a lengthy telephone interview with a company that does a sort of sales that I've never done before and I'm a little nervous. I'm still in a much better place then when I started this thread. I'm a little nervous about the background check. I'll have to explain my whole situation to them and also knock this interview out of the park.
I think that I can do this. I guess if it doesnt go well I'll just have to move on to the next interview.
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by yes74 »

So I'm a little down today. I had a really good job interview set up through a recruiter and they suddenly canceled. I took some xanax over the past couple days but its only making me feel numb and tired. Air guess id be having a panic attack otherwise. I'm just starting to get frustrated
right now. I'm still better off then I was when I started this thread but I just don't know where I'm going.
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by yes74 »

I'm having a hard time finding a job with my recent record. Its really starting to bring me down a little and frustrate me. If I can't find a job I don't know what I'll do. My pdoc has said he can try to get me disability based on the anxiety but I don't want to do this. I'm starting to feel really screwed right now.
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by bigeekgirl »

If you can qualify for disability, I say go for it. Use it to get back on your feet. It's no shame. You have a medical condition which is preventing you from working.
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by yes74 »

Thanks Bigeekgirl youve been a huge help. Maybe Ill talk to my shrink about it I have an appointment coming up soon. In the mean time I'm still gonna try like hell to get a job.
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