freaking over anxiety and depression

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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by yes74 »

Thanks that's good advice. I appreciate it.
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by yes74 »

I'm hanging in there on my new job. The hours are very grueling and frankly it just isntt a carer, Its keeping me out of the house and keeping me from driving me crazy, wich is inportant for me and /i guess I just have to deal with that. I went on an interview yesterday that went well and it highlights ny positive qualities. I have a second interview early next week. Id realy like the job and it happens to be a career. I I'm looking to knock the second interview out of the park if I do there's a good chance I'll get the job. If I do I think it well change my life.Is t good week so far for me. Maybe theres's a little hope for my crazy ass after all. Anyway wish me luck!
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by manuel_moe_g »

yes74 wrote: I went on an interview yesterday that went well and it highlights ny positive qualities.
Sounds great! good luck to you! :D :D :D :D :D 8-) :happy-wavemulticolor:
~~~~~~ -- Obsequious Thumbtack Headdress
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by yes74 »

I'm feeling good lately,
I still think I'm on too many meds but they are helping me I guess. I've been working at this place for a month and they like me there, It's taking up a lot wich is good but they are 60 hour weeks 6 days a week so the schedule is grueling. I had a great interview with a better job more pay and better hours yesterday. The interview went well and they said they would call me later this week. I've been ruminating about it all day. I'm a little anxious now but hanging in there. I guess Ill keep pushing ahead. If I was home every day Id be going nuts and I think Id be close to out of unemployment. So I guess this is mostly positive.
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by Sienna »

I hope you got the job!

I know what it's like to not have a job that is a career, or one that you have to put so much effort into that you feel so drained. I've read all your posts on this thread and see a lot of myself in you. I wish you the best and am sending good thoughts your way. :D
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by yes74 »

Thanks. I can use all the positive energy I can get. I basically got the job. Witch is good news. Now I'm worried because the issue of my old record hasn't come up and I wish I had told them sooner though they didnt ask. Im also worried about such a big change and wondering if I can handle it with all my issues. If everything checks out with mu record Ill start in a couple of weeks. Thats a good thing because Ill have time to prepare ie research the business brush up on math and other things. God I'm so tired right now. :)
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by yes74 »

I feel pretty down today. I had like one day off of work and lying around doing nothing for half the day really brought me down. I guess theres nothing to do but keep pushing forward. And I need to fill up my time more.
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by yes74 »

I got a new job today and actually entails having my own office and doing a lot of the same type of commission things that I've done before but I'll be around a lot of less people I'm looking forward to it I have to learn a whole new business but I'm keeping a positive aspect.I should do well financially compared to other places I've worked I have a lot to learn but this is the best thing I have right now and I have to put every bit of energy I have into making it a success if anybody has any feedback I would really appreciate it this is going to be a real challenge but I have to work hard at it anyway I feel good now it's been a good couple days I've had a good job but it's just too much it doesn't pay enough hopefully this one wellR
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by manuel_moe_g »

awesome news, yes74! :banana-linedance:

I like Brian Tracy books and CDs, and Zig Ziglar - both guys have a lot of good actionable advice, and they are positive and get people pumped up to do their best.

If you do the most important thing and the thing you dread the most, you get them done right quick in the morning, then no matter what happens the rest of the day you will have knocked down two of your most important daily goals.

Please take care, let us know how everything is progressing, all the best! :D :D :D 8-)
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Re: freaking over anxiety and depression

Post by yes74 »

Thanks for the feedback. I like those positive statements also. Am update on my DUI the toxicology report says I had no xanax in my system. But I did haver aderall only 20 milligrams I don't know if they can still convict me for that or not I guess I'll have to find out and keep my head up.
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