Anxiety's Icy Hands
Posted: May 28th, 2013, 9:53 am
Hey, pals.
Man, I'm so sorry for my silence on the forum lately. I'm not sure what's going on with me. My anxiety has been creeping back into my life in the form of nightly wake-ups with a pounding heart, night terrors, and general edginess throughout the day. I'm trying to keep it under wraps with my daily meditation, but sometimes it's soooo hard to get a grip on the grip it already has on you, ya know?
I've also been starting to sink into a bit of a depression. It may be the unpredictable NW weather; who knows? Once I'm outside the house and working or among friends, I can come out of it. It's the down time at home that really gets me. I can't find the gumption to get on here and talk to people like I should because I feel like my hands are bound and I'm partially blindfolded. I am back in therapy and plan on conquering some pretty tough issues, so maybe that's where this is all coming from. I guess I was kind of comfortable pretending everything was alright there for a while.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hello to friends old and new, give big loves to everyone and hope you're all well or at least holding in there . You're in my thoughts and I'm sorry if I'm not around to express my feelings lately. It's just one of those times.
Hugs, MIHHers!
Man, I'm so sorry for my silence on the forum lately. I'm not sure what's going on with me. My anxiety has been creeping back into my life in the form of nightly wake-ups with a pounding heart, night terrors, and general edginess throughout the day. I'm trying to keep it under wraps with my daily meditation, but sometimes it's soooo hard to get a grip on the grip it already has on you, ya know?
I've also been starting to sink into a bit of a depression. It may be the unpredictable NW weather; who knows? Once I'm outside the house and working or among friends, I can come out of it. It's the down time at home that really gets me. I can't find the gumption to get on here and talk to people like I should because I feel like my hands are bound and I'm partially blindfolded. I am back in therapy and plan on conquering some pretty tough issues, so maybe that's where this is all coming from. I guess I was kind of comfortable pretending everything was alright there for a while.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hello to friends old and new, give big loves to everyone and hope you're all well or at least holding in there . You're in my thoughts and I'm sorry if I'm not around to express my feelings lately. It's just one of those times.
Hugs, MIHHers!