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Sensory Processing Disorder

Posted: October 17th, 2013, 6:20 am
by reddelicious ... order.html

Has anyone gotten this as a diagnosis?

My original diagnois is PTSD and temporal lobe epilepsy. However, my therapist has brought up SPD as a secondary diagnosis as well. Since so many of my PTSD triggers tend to come from touch/taste/smell it's sort of hard to determine what is organic and what is a learned defense.

Re: Sensory Processing Disorder

Posted: October 25th, 2013, 7:48 am
by letteggs
I was diagnosed with SPD about 3 years ago. Since receiving the diagnosis, my life has been so much better! A lot of my PTSD and OCD tendencies come as a result of my coping mechanisms for SPD. Smell, Touch, and Sound are my main triggers, so I've come up with additional coping strategies for when I am going to be in a situation where I may have a panic attack as a result of the sensory overload.
