All fear all the time

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Posts: 9
Joined: January 17th, 2015, 4:06 pm
Gender: F
Issues: depression, trauma, self-hatred
preferred pronoun: she

All fear all the time

Post by stoptellingmetosmile »

I am afraid that my mother and/or father are members of this forum and that they are going to recognize me before I recognize them.

I am afraid that my pets will outlive me and none of my friends or relatives will want them, so they will all end up back in a shelter where no one will adopt them because they are old and their owner was crazy.

I am afraid that one of my friends or siblings will die unnecessarily because they did not want to ask me to donate bone marrow or a kidney to them because they didn't want to catch depression from me.

I am afraid that my friends from grad school are secretly embarrassed by me because they have succeeded at everything that I have not.

I am afraid that my nephews are going to be treated badly by life and I won't be able to protect them.

I am afraid of falling and knocking all of my teeth out.

I am afraid that one Friday morning I will wake up and the Mental Illness Happy Hour will have disappeared.

I am afraid that my dog will get corn-teeth like Herbert's and then the vet will know that I have not been brushing his teeth like I promised I would.
"Depression can be the sand that makes the pearl." Joni Mitchell
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