My fears

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Joined: July 20th, 2014, 10:27 pm

My fears

Post by Starguts »

I'm afraid that illness will overtake me someday.

I'm afraid of going into bathrooms with closed opaque shower curtains.

I'm afraid that I somehow fucked up my voice and I'll never be able to sing like I used to.

I'm afraid of the immensity of the ocean.

I'm afraid that I've become a disappointment to every one who knows me.

I'm afraid that I've been a caricature of a person with the various hats that I've worn in my life.

I'm afraid that when I''m on the ledge of a high place that I will fall or jump.

I'm afraid that I'll never experience life with the passion that I experienced when I was younger.

I'm afraid that my desire for sex will never return.
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