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Fear List

Posted: April 19th, 2013, 12:15 pm
by Blake

-I’m afraid that my bi-polar, gold digging millionaire mother, would build a water park in her back yard, specifically so my kids will have a reason to pester me for not taking them to Grandma’s house every weekend.

-I’m afraid of hearing some stupid txt I sent to a jackass buddy being read back to me in court.

-I constantly fear I'm always just one day away from that next big cold sore popping up on my face

-I fear that google will start letting people pay to view your search history.

-I fear that my mom will always call me for anxiety spiking tech support, instead of just buying a newer printer.

-I’m afraid that Ayn Rand’s voice in my head, is going to forever keep me from fully believing in god.

-I’m afraid that I will run into the neighbor who molested me as a kid in public, and not know how to react

-I’m afraid, that the fumes from painting my car in the garage as a teenager, is the reason my Dad got Parkinson’s disease.

-I fear that the tattoo I want to get, would automatically make me somebody’s bitch if I went to prison.

-I fear that the e-cigarettes I switched to, are going to turn out to be more dangerous than the actual cigarettes

-I’m afraid I have a laugh that makes everybody aware of just how much pot I smoke.

-I’m afraid my psychologist, will make the news for shotting up a McDonnell’s

-I'm afraid that my old deleted MySpace page, will somehow be re-published and indexed google

Re: Fear List

Posted: April 21st, 2013, 5:29 am
by Churble
-I’m afraid of hearing some stupid txt I sent to a jackass buddy being read back to me in court.

I had similar fear when I was with my ex. He would call or text me every time he got really angry and tell me in detail what he wanted to do to whoever had pissed him off. He'd be so specific he'd even tell me which of his guns he wanted to use. I was always afraid that eventually he'd actually do it and I'd go to prison as an accomplice because he'd told me what he was going to do but I didn't try to stop him and seemed to be too supportive.

I also have the same fear about my Google history. I've never trusted private sessions to be truly private and I feel like eventually someone will find out what I've been looking at.