Fear Buster Tally Hooooo!

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Fear Buster Tally Hooooo!

Post by Lilac »

I am afraid that I will die in my sleep and my dog will have to eat my body to survive.
I am afraid that my chin hairs( I'm a chick) will grow super long while I am sleeping and I will not notice and will got out in public and none of my friends will tell me to go pluck.
I am afraid that the man of my dreams will see me doing something to keep myself presentable, like picking my nose, and never introduce himself and I will die alone only to have my dog eat my body to live.

I am afraid that each single cookie that I put into my gob will cause me to gain 10 pounds while I sleep.
I am afraid the warts that I pick at incessantly will spread all over my body.

I am afraid that my brother will never love me and my parents will choose him because he has all of the grandkids.

I am afraid that in my family I rate slightly below my niece's cat on the love scale.
I'm afraid that all of my clients will dicover that I am a fraud and will all fire me on the same day.
I'm afraid that if I were kidnapped, no one would notice. Ever.
I'm afraid to let people know that I am smart because I will never be smart enough and never know enough.
I'm afraid that the check-out guy'girl at the food store will think that all I eat is junk food so I put the candy back and then I am afraid that they will think I am some sort of snobby health food nut.
I'm afraid that my stuttering causes people to think that I am stupid.
I am afraid that being a nerd will go out of style and I will be back to being an outcast in society. Again.
I'm afraid that I will fuck up my dog's physical therapy and hurt her beyond what can be fixed.
I am afraid that I will never do anything right again.
I am afraid that if I tell my parents that I was abused by my brother and molested by my uncle, that they won't believe me and I will be even more alone in the world.
I am afraid that I have talked myself into loving my job simply because I feel like I don't deserve better and at the end of my life I will feel as if I have wasted my time and not made the world a better place than the way I found it. And then my dog won't even want to eat my body to survive...
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Re: Fear Buster Tally Hooooo!

Post by heathen1981 »


Great list! I both felt for you and had a laugh.

Nerds will never go out of style. We run the world now. WE decide what's in style.
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Re: Fear Buster Tally Hooooo!

Post by bitteroldshrew »

Great fear list, Lilac! I should probably feel bad for enjoying it.
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