My "issues" that I wish to work onDidn't know where to post

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My "issues" that I wish to work onDidn't know where to post

Post by RisingUpAgain »

I didn't know where to post this. I thought it would be helpful to write out a list of things I dislike about myself whether it is how I act sometimes, how my thoughts sometimes veer to this, or how I feel sometimes.

The point of this is to not feel bad but to realize what I wish to change about myself and then go to work on doing it. I figure it is related to fears because both can attribute to unhappiness. I am sure a lot of people have overlapping ones with mine. Feel free to comment below with your own list.

-Can be very Self - centered
- Can be Vain
- Can be judgmental
- Can get angry at others because of my sadness at myself
- Crave wealth
- Feel insecure because of not being successful enough
- Enthralled w/ status
- Require too much external validation
- Lazy
- Always compare myself to people who are more successful than me
- Extremely critical of myself
- Get lost in future fear which makes me anxious
- think the worst will happen in most situations
- too controlling
- don't know how to handle my jealousy
- get caught up in unsettling thoughts
- insecure around attractive women because of anger at myself that I feel so insecure that they will never like me as a person so I judge them and get so angry with them.
- can be judgmental of others based on their looks
- anger at myself that I can't stick with things.
- A feeling that I'll be good enough
- Hating myself frequently and fantasizing about suicide so often
- Hating myself for past mistakes like attempting suicide multiple times.
My Website - Personal Growth 4 Life : D
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