Greatest Fears

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Posts: 9
Joined: November 12th, 2014, 5:54 am
Gender: female
Issues: anxiety, bipolar 2, ADHD, sleep disorder, learning disabilities.
preferred pronoun: she

Greatest Fears

Post by iknewiwascrazy »

I fear that my kids will look back at their childhood as chaotic and unhappy and it is all my fault.
I fear that my kids will repeat the same mistakes I made.
I fear that I will suffocate in my sleep.
I fear that one day I will break and kill myself because there is nobody left to live for.
I fear my dad dying and not recognizing the faces and names of people at the memorial service that remember me but I have forgotten.
I fear that people will know how stupid I am and take advantage of me.
I fear that I will run out of money and either be homeless or dependent on someone to rescue me.
I fear that I won't find the right meds to make me normal.
I fear that one day I will push my therapist too far and she will drop me as a client.
I fear that I will be trapped in my overweight body and never physically feel good again.
I fear that I will live the rest of my adult life single and be a weirdo single lady.
I fear that the love I desire does not really exist.
I fear I will never get over the trauma of my marriage.
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