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I'm afraid of ...

Posted: December 9th, 2014, 5:02 pm
by girl.interrupted
I'm afraid that people I used to be friends with from highschool secretly meet up every Wednesday and theorise how fucked up I am.

I'm afraid that my parents will one day come to the conclusion that I am a lost cause and will be tired of me.

I'm afraid that my younger siblings look at my life as an example of 'What not to do.'

I'm afraid that I could eat all the chocolate and skittles in the world and still be hungry, or even worse empty.

I'm afraid that I am secretly a contestant on the show 'Biggest Loser' only it's premise isn't about weight loss, but about how miserable my existence is. And I'm not even the winning contestant; I'm the runner up.

I'm afraid that this pain has no purpose.

I'm afraid that my depression is actually my version of happiness, but I have set my standards too high and now have a warped measuring system of emotion.

I'm afraid that after I graduate from university I will still feel lost.

I'm afraid that my anxiety will become so crippling that I cannot leave the house and will fail university and will live with my parents forever.

I'm afraid that I'm the friend that everyone cannot stand.

I'm afraid that my therapist finds my problems pedestrian.

I'm afraid that I hate myself so much, one day I will fling myself off the platform at a train station onto an oncoming train in an attempt to kill myself. And that when I die, even strangers will hate me because my suicide effected their train schedule, ruining their day.

I'm afraid that even my pet rabbits hate me.

I'm afraid that I will continue to have unhealthy relationships with men and will never truly experience love and intimacy.

Re: I'm afraid of ...

Posted: January 6th, 2015, 7:38 pm
by NoWireHangers
These are beautiful. I'm a therapist myself and what you said struck me: "I'm afraid that my therapist finds my problems pedestrian."

I'm always afraid that my client will find out that I don't have MY shit together. None of it is ever pedestrian, because it is your struggle and it is important.

Re: I'm afraid of ...

Posted: February 20th, 2015, 12:19 am
by TJ248
"I'm afraid that even my pet rabbits hate me."
He would love you, for sure.