YOU ARE NOT ALONE - A companion online community discussion board for The Mental Illness Happy Hour podcast with Paul Gilmartin
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I'm excited for you! And when there aren't birds, there are butterflies (books on that too) and just the outdoor scenery in general.
(And you have such interesting fauna down under.... We just had two deer strolling thru our suburb this week... I'll bet you don't need to go too far to see some roos.... )
as I said earlier, I don't know much about birds but my yard is currently teeming with butterflies. we discovered a couple of years ago that milkweed naturally grows in our yard so we let it grow tall and now we are a routine spot for monarch butterflies in our area. it is beautiful to watch them develop and grow.
When I think about the world I’m escaping when I lose myself observing birds in trees, it takes my breath away.
Wild kangaroos laze around in the shade during the day in the local countryside. They’re a very benign and comforting presence although their kick is dangerous.
I don’t generally notice butterflies but I will find out more about the local ones. Bees as I’ve mentioned are common. Sometimes I see dragonflies which are my favorite.
Kookaburras (Australian Kingfishers) come out to swoop puddles for insects.
I went to ‘my’ tree at work and looked up to see one. They’re medium sized birds that look like compressed B52 bombers. They flap in a labored way when they fly and seem to defy gravity on short trips. They own the space when they perch, in a curmudgeonly way. The first took my breath away and then a second one landed. Two sentinels.