Little bit of sad news today.
I've been returning to work in one of those glass skyscrapers in a metro area. Usually bring my lunch, but today went to the cafeteria for a sandwich.
Looked out the window and saw a butterfly seemingly trapped outside in an inward glassed corner of the building. Made a note to try to shoo it out to freedom...
But then I saw a poor little Wilson's warbler that had collided with the building at some point.
Went out to collect him. (What else to do?)'s_warbler
Some good came of it however... I met an intern and spent a few minutes talking about birds, migration, building collisions, etc. She was saddened but excited about birds. I'm going to send her a few links and such. New birdwatcher is being hatched, I think!
So, I now have a beautiful little Wilson's warbler in a baggie in my freezer. I couldn't leave him or put him in the trash. Will give a "Godspeed" and proper burial in a day or two.
BTW - we managed to send the butterfly on it's way as well.
Little things.

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