Birds - Endlessly Fascinating

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Birds - Endlessly Fascinating

Post by snoringdog »

So, today has been difficult. Rain and gloom, and got sucked into ruminating and scrolling thru the news on my phone....what a draining time-suck....

But I found a few pleasant bird clips that made me smile. I really love birds and can watch them for hours....

Great BBC Earth links on the right too.

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Re: Birds - Endlessly Fascinating

Post by Beany Boo »

I recommend ‘The Scientific Wonder of Birds’ on Kanopy (but there won’t be a test or anything.)

Jenny Odell talks about ‘species loneliness’; that not only are we isolated from each other (under normal circumstances) but we’re separate from other nonhuman occupants.

I recognized a birdsong the other day as I walked past a particular tree. The bird was saying ‘go away!’, but even so. I felt included.
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Re: Birds - Endlessly Fascinating

Post by snoringdog »

Hello Mr. B!

Yes, I actually bought that one from the Teaching Company, and have watched the first few sections recently.

What a sad state of affairs for the professor, being hit with Parkinson's and now having to deal with the physical restrictions, instead of pursuing his former plans. But he seems to be managing it with grace, and I applaud him for that! Hope I can do the same if it comes to that....


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Re: Birds - Endlessly Fascinating

Post by snoringdog »

Hello Friends,

Today is bright & sunny, and there was a flyby scheduled at noon for the Blue Angels and Thunderbirds over the NY / NJ area.

So I took a walk to an overpass overlooking NYC and saw a number of people standing there watching, but didn't see or hear anything. Turns out I was a few minutes late, and things happened so fast and far away anyway that it wasn't a great vantage point.

As I was hearing a spectator describing this, I looked up an lo and behold, a bald eagle lazily flying overhead! (He disappeared quickly too).
Nice aerial coincidence and it made me happy. Just as good as the flyby, in my book.

On the way home I saw a snowy egret as well. Birds are out, doing their thing, which make me feel good.

Small things.
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Re: Birds - Endlessly Fascinating

Post by Heatherwantspeace »

I'm so glad you're having a good day, SD!
Birds are the best thing about Spring. Glad they're out and about.
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Re: Birds - Endlessly Fascinating

Post by rivergirl »

Tiny hummingbirds
In my podicarpus tree
Sheltering in place

I just wrote this haiku, not sure it's the correct number of syllables. :think:

There's a large podicarpus tree outside my bedroom window and sometimes I take a break from telecommuting work to watch the hummingbirds concealed
in the leaves. I found an old hummingbird nest on the ground beneath the tree a few months ago. Maybe they're building a new one.
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Re: Birds - Endlessly Fascinating

Post by snoringdog »

Excellent! I love it! :clap:
And who's counting anyway? ;)

(Now, need to look up podicarpus tree, hmmm )

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Re: Birds - Endlessly Fascinating

Post by snoringdog »

So this morning, after brief pangs of doom and fear-of-imminent death (not trying to be dramatic), I decided to try to get out the hell out of the house.

One of the local parks just re-opened last Saturday, and I took my binocs to see who was out and about. It's the spring migration, and the warblers and other birds are making their way northward to their nesting grounds.

When I'm looking at birds the world goes away for a short time.... they're so alive, so wonderful.....I wish it could last longer.....

Here's my list, if anyone's interested;

Rose breasted Grosbeaks ... d-grosbeak

Northern Parula ... ern-parula

Yellow rumped warbler ... ed-warbler

Nashville warbler ... le-warbler

Black throated Blue warbler ... ue-warbler

Chestnut-sided warbler ... ed-warbler

Great crested flycatcher ... flycatcher

Baltimore Oriole ... ore-oriole

Warbling vireo

Blue-headed vireo ... aded-vireo

Broad-winged hawk ... inged-hawk
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Re: Birds - Endlessly Fascinating

Post by Heatherwantspeace »

What great links, SD!
I have a relaxation tape with the yellow rumped warbler I think. (What a fun name to say!). I'm glad you were able to get out.
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Re: Birds - Endlessly Fascinating

Post by TonyM_Guest »

Thanks for this thread, SD. It is something totally outside my ken and I'm really glad it's now in my life.
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