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Love list

Posted: April 30th, 2013, 4:44 am
by Churble
I love when my son skypes me to tell me he loves me, even though he's only 10 feet away.
I love when my dog lays on the couch with me and puts her head on my leg to sleep.
I love peeling the sticky plastic off of new electronics and knowing they will never be as clean as they are right now.
I love crackers. Especially cheese themed crackers, though I don't discriminate.
I love when I see door to door cable/magazine/jesus peddlers on my street but they don't make it to my house.
I love getting mail I've been waiting for.
I love when I leave a voicemail and I sound like I was prepared.
I love penguins and sloths, if I saw a penguin hanging out with a sloth, I would probably cry.
I love when I recommend something (food, movie, music, etc) to someone and they love it.
I love fake banana flavoring.
I love finding out that a celebrity I like watches the same TV shows I do.
I love when someone who looks like they weigh 100 pounds less than me can't stay on the elliptical as long as I can.
I love that moment when you realize you don't have hiccups anymore.
I love when my son forgets he's too cool to snuggle with me on the couch.
I love when someone else mows my lawn.
I love that Facebook exists to show me that not only did my ex marry someone who looks exactly like me, but he appears to have done so while wearing more makeup than my mother after a Mary Kay party.
I love sneezing.
I love when I leave work in that sweet spot and make it home in 12 minutes instead of 30.
I love finishing a good book and feeling satisfied with the ending.
I love that Henry Rollins is a genuinely nice man.
I love when I surprise people by knowing something they didn't expect.
I love when someone gets my obscure movie references and it sparks a conversation.
I love that I cry every time I see the brachiosaurus reveal in Jurassic Park.

Re: Love list

Posted: May 6th, 2013, 6:35 pm
by Cheldoll
I had been waiting for a Love list from you since your Fear one was so great. It took two weeks, but you did not disappoint!

Some of my favorites:
I love crackers. Especially cheese themed crackers, though I don't discriminate.

I love penguins and sloths, if I saw a penguin hanging out with a sloth, I would probably cry.

I love that moment when you realize you don't have hiccups anymore.

I love that I cry every time I see the brachiosaurus reveal in Jurassic Park.
The last one is even better in 3D.

Re: Love list

Posted: May 8th, 2013, 4:54 am
by Churble
I took my son to see it in 3D, he loved it, but every time someone asked him how it was he'd say "It was great but mom got weird and cried about a dinosaur" and I have no defense because I totally got weird and cried about a dinosaur.

Re: Love list

Posted: May 9th, 2013, 3:26 am
by meh
I love Henry Rollins. I loved when he was in Black Flag and I love him now.

And it's OK to cry at dinosaurs.

Re: Love list

Posted: May 9th, 2013, 5:01 am
by Churble
I love Henry Rollins. Any time he is speaking anywhere near me, I find a way to go. I've talked to him a few times and emailed him as well, and he's not kidding when he says he responds to every email. It's just really nice to see someone who genuinely appreciates his fans.

Re: Love list

Posted: May 11th, 2013, 10:34 am
by MizLzie
Churble, you made me laugh out loud, sitting at home by myself...
I totally got weird and cried about a dinosaur.
I totally get it. :lol: