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My love list

Posted: July 16th, 2013, 6:13 pm
by mouse
I love talking to my grandmother, who makes me feel so beautiful, compassionate, and smart.

I love the feeling of accomplishment I get after an hour of hot yoga, like I have conquered an intense challenge.

I love the bright orange flowers that grow by the side of the SR 37. I pass bunches of them every time I make the drive back to my hometown, and they always bring a smile to my face.

I love when my attention is elsewhere, and my dog comes up and forcefully snuggles me. She’ll rub her face against me, begging for attention, and it makes me feel so loved.

I love when my brother gives me a hug or tells me he loves me.

I love being in the water.

I love working with my hands; it makes me feel proactive and purposeful.

I love the ache in my chest when I finish a great book and am simultaneously so happy to have experienced it and so sad that it had to end.

I love big, sweet dogs that don’t realize their strength.

I love movies and books set in the desert. Something about the imagery is so rich and beautiful to me.

I love having sex, and the way it makes me feel confident, beautiful, and powerful.

I love tribal prints, even if they make me look like an asshole hipster.

I love getting ice cream in a wafflecone on a hot summer day.

I love browsing in bookstores, running my fingers along the book spines and flipping through the pristine pages.