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Posted: August 25th, 2013, 8:44 am
by chicago_runner
1. I love the last mile of a marathon. I love everything about running a marathon, but that last mile, your mind and body awash with hormones and emotions, can be an almost spiritual experience.
2. I love standing in the starting chute before a race; the anticipation, the camaraderie.
3. I love the feeling you get after a run that dragged you out of bed extra early.
4. I love sleeping in that one day a week that I don't get up early to run.
5. I love my compression socks.
6. I love that my daughter has shown an interest in running. Although she’s a little too young now, I would love for her to get involved with something that has given me so much.
7. I love excess.
8. I love moderation.
9. I love perfection.
10. I love holding my daughter's hand.
11. I love knowledge.
12. I love knowing the answer.
13. I love asking questions.
14. I love the power of music.
15. I love a good rave.
16. I love that Chicago is a food town; I love a good Chicago pizza, I love Italian beef.
17. I love a good laugh; I love good standup comedy, I love biting satire.
18. I love listening to a good story teller.
19. I love spending time with good friends and family; sitting around all day, chatting about anything and everything, like we did before life required us to be responsible.
20. I love a good debate.
21. I love playing devil’s advocate.
22. I love a good photograph.
23. I love seeing movies in the theater, especially movies that really need to be seen in the theater.
24. I love exploring my fears.
25. I love pushing the limits; in positive ways and sometimes in not so positive ways.
26. I love seeing what this thing can do. Whatever ‘this thing’ happens to be.
27. I love sitting by myself and tinkering on a project for hours.
28. I love the feeling that we're all in this together.
29. I love a hand-crafted piece of wood furniture; from Sam Maloof pieces to less artsy, but no less beautiful pieces made by ‘common’ wood workers.
30. I love the smell of cut grass.
31. I love the smell of fresh cut wood.
32. I love the smell of an old-timey tobacco shop.
33. I love strong cheeses; what my wife likes to call ‘stinky foot cheese’.
34. I love a super hoppy beer.
35. I love a good cup of coffee.
36. I love bacon.
37. I love that my career choice allows me to work from home, which in turn allows me to see my family more.
38. I love setting and achieving goals.
39. I love 4 seasons; humidity can suck it, but I love the ebb and flow of it all.
40. I love that I get to feel the full range of emotions.