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Love off :)

Posted: September 27th, 2014, 7:05 am
by Ziggy
I love that I live across the street from a busy playground, and any time of the week I can open my window and hear kids laughing and playing

I love coffee

I love that my roommates and I can share food fairly without it being stressful, even though I've only known them a month

I love being able to have deep meaningful conversations with people I've just met

I love CBC radio

I love the feeling when I'm in a hard class, I understand the material, and I can just feel my mind expanding

I love deep, meaningful platonic relationships

I love foggy days

I love thrift shopping

I love smiling at strangers on public transit and having them smile back

I love obscure, surrealist humour that reminds me not to take anything too seriously

Feel free to add your own!

Re: Love off :)

Posted: October 26th, 2014, 11:44 am
by ArmyOfMe80
I love that time of fall, when the leaves have mostly turned, and are falling. You go outside on a breezy day, it's like it's literally raining leaves, because they are falling off the trees so fast. You see your neighbor across road, raking his yard, it's not too cold not too warm, you're just taking in the beauty of it all.

I love putting on a certain CD and just geeking out about every music nerd detail I love about every song. For example, this morning it was my favorite Beatles album, "Magical Mystery Tour." I love how the song goes from major to minor in the song "Fool On The Hill." The verses are upbeat, and the chorus is kind of daunting.

I love pomeranians and how they are always smiling.

I love a good cup of coffee.

I love watching horror movies in the dark, under the covers.

I love the movie Eraserhead and how we don't know the meaning, and David Lynch won't fucking tell usss. :mrgreen:
And the chicken scene. Fucked up, creative, and funny!!! (My cup of tea.)

I love the detail my grocery store puts into their football displays every Sunday. LOL

I love heavy synthesizer on early '80s dance songs. (i.e. "Sweet Dreams" by the Eurythmics, "The Metro" by Berlin, "The Reflex" by Duran Duran.)

I love that Nina Pham is cured of Ebola.

I love that warm tingly exhausted feeling after a good belly laugh.

I love the smell of coffee grounds from the can.

I love Oprah's Super Soul Sunday on OWN. lmao

I love when "The End" by The Beatles comes on while I am typing a "Love Off."
("And in the ennnnd, the love you take is equal to the love you maaake.")

I love when I write something that I really think will inspire someone, make them laugh, make them think, or alter their perspective in a positive way. (Note: Not just on this board, I am a writer.)

I love the real flower displays at my coffee shop with Bell jars used for vases.

I love unexpected extra money. Like when you go to buy something and it is unexpectedly on sale that week, when you were thinking of seeing a movie and you end up receiving a gift card for the theater, etc.

I love it at work when I have to call a customer and a little kid answers and I talk to them for a few minutes and they're just being all cute and shit.