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Losing our house

Posted: March 22nd, 2013, 12:43 pm
by Mr. Sweetpotato
My wife and I just found out that the school our property borders is going to do an expansion and renovation. This includes the acquisition of six properties on our block. Through eminent domain, we are going to lose our house. We are so distraught over this that we have not had a good nights sleep in about a week. We are not just losing a house, we are losing the home where we thought that we'd grow old together and die in. We got married in the back yard, raised her (even though I consider him mine too) son there, had everything just the way we wanted it and now it's going to go away. I don't want to start over! We don't have a mortgage anymore and we just sank much of our savings into renovations of our own. We have wonderful neighbors, a large backyard for our dog to play in, plenty of room to entertain family and friends, it was perfect. This sucks and I feel like I'm just whining but I guess putting it on the page helps. Has anyone else gone through this? Any insight into what to expect from the process? Thanks for any thoughts.

Re: Losing our house

Posted: March 24th, 2013, 8:33 pm
by Cheldoll
I wish I could offer some sort of advice or help you know what to expect, but I have no idea. I just wanted to say that I don't think you're whining -- honestly, your reaction here seems completely reasonable.

Re: Losing our house

Posted: March 27th, 2013, 2:09 pm
by Mr. Sweetpotato
Thanks for the encouragement Cheldoll. The meeting with the schoolboard last night has us more frustrated than ever. We (the owners of the 4 houses affected) were told that they have never discussed taking our homes through eminent domain. That was in the official meeting although after the meeting two board members came up to us and said we were given the "Washington DC" answer. They told us that if they were us, they wouldn't put anymore money into our property. They even said that they aren't actively trying to take our homes but if they would go up for sale that they would more than likely be the buyers. What a bunch of political bs. Hey thanks for listening and caring!

Re: Losing our house

Posted: April 13th, 2013, 6:59 pm
by Mareda
Hi, Mr. Sweetpotato. What an overwhelming and sad situation that must be; I'm sorry for what you and your wife must be going through.

You've probably already considered this, but I wanted to ask if you've gotten any legal advice? I know that it's an added expense and a bother, but there can be real relief in turning over control of a difficult/overwhelming situation and asking for some help - especially in a situation where you have so much invested, both financially and emotionally. Not only could a lawyer help you better understand the complicated issues surrounding eminent domain takings; they would also likely monitor the situation on your behalf so you don't get any unpleasant surprises, and I'd imagine they would help negotiate the best deal possible for you if the eminent domain proceedings were to "get real".

Regarding the board members; I wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. Their duty is to the school, not you. Even though they've offered you this tidbit of inside info (which may or may not be true), you still need to look out for your interests, because they will certainly be protecting theirs!

I know everyone loves to hate lawyers, but they can be a great buffer between yourself and all the scary things in the world. They're kind of like plumbers in that they come in and fix complicated problems so you don't end up knee-deep in shit. Best, best, best wishes to you and your wife...I hope things go as smoothly as possible for you in such an uncertain situation.

Re: Losing our house

Posted: April 27th, 2013, 6:46 am
by oak

So sorry about your situation. That really sucks. Agreed with the others. My 2 cents:

1. Yes, don't bother trying to "discuss" with the school board. They already know what they are going to do.

2. Also agreed to get a lawyer. The eminent domain folks will use the legal system to their advantage, as is their right. Equally, you are entitled to use the law to further your interests.

3. If someone gives you this:

consider in that case that you never set out to bother anybody; they brought a problem to you. Besides, would these oh-so-pious people be willing to lose *their* houses at a loss on short notice? Doubt it.

Don't be surprised if people attack you emotionally.

4. Be willing to accept that you may lose the house. That sucks. But it is a possibility.

Good luck. Keep us posted.