Pretty dark topic/dreams. Just wanted to warn you.
Posted: March 12th, 2014, 6:10 am
I keep having dreams about suicide. Either I'm trying to kill myself and people are stopping or trying to stop me, or I'm talking about it in my dream, or I'm in the hospital again, or in the process of being admitted. It is a very disorienting experience. Especially because I'm trying to get my life back on track and put that stuff behind me. But the dreams are always such a struggle, and so exhausting (if dreams can be exhausting). I'm either struggling to live or struggling to die in the dreams.
It's like I can't get a break from this war I'm waging. My waking hours are often a battle--finding reasons why my life is worth more than money, why making my death look like an accident so my parents could still collect the insurance money won't work. I'd like my sleep to at least be free from such issues. Guess it has worked its way deeper into my subconscious than I'd like to admit.
It's like I can't get a break from this war I'm waging. My waking hours are often a battle--finding reasons why my life is worth more than money, why making my death look like an accident so my parents could still collect the insurance money won't work. I'd like my sleep to at least be free from such issues. Guess it has worked its way deeper into my subconscious than I'd like to admit.