I wasn't expecting such a heart-warming wave of response.
Thank you guys, so so much. You gave me a major kick to keep looking, and for hoping. I needed that so much right now.
Dr. Katie - mononucleosis, low level of vit. D, in addition to what I believe is called cytomegalovirus; that's a binding element between many of the cases, I believe, so in that respect, I have the same record. I've many appointments with a traditional Chinese medicine practitioner and a homeopathist to little result, but I will certainly research naturopathy and try to find someone in that field. One has to try a lot of different approaches.
I do hope you are feeling good now. I wish you the best in coping with your CFS episodes.
You mentioned that your suicidal intentions were averted by the fact that your 'sister's kids were old enough' to remember you. You wanted to be a good aunt. I found that beautiful. That alone is proof to me that you are a morally conscious, caring person. Yes, we all should care for our relatives' well-being, but the fact you were aware of what the implication of you taking your life would be, eventhough they were not your children... makes me just want to compliment you, in this somewhat fucked up manner. Thank you so much for your suggestions!
UrbanDweller - I have a vague feeling that I've first heard the word hypothyroidism on an episode of House and since then, never managed to spell it.
I have read a bit into it now. Although, according to the symptoms, this condition is nothing of a complete 'match' for me, I will ask my doctor about it - after all, if it turns out to be a hypochondriacal assumption, this will be nothing new to her. That procedure of pinching a small part of your skin would suggest against this being my case, but I believe the suggestion is super-useful for anybody who's struggling with CFS-like symptoms. Thanks for that contribution.
I agree with you on that vagueness of the CFS diagnosis itself. I have always been hesitant to 'settle' with it. But after a few years of trying to find a name to label my condition, with some other conditions (the names of which I also find difficult to spell) ruled out, it seems for me to be the only thing which applies to me with very little inconsistency. I hope I will be able to find any other underlying issues which are there to be found.
I hope you're doing better now, and thank you for that post.
mouse - thanks for that. It gives me hope to read these concrete suggestions; I haven't gotten many of them in the past year, so I appreciate having that path to try out. The fact that you relate to that kind of blurriness which mental exhaustion brings, that alone feels somehow soothing. I keep reminding myself that these cases do exist, that this is not a creation of the mind. It is a real problem that we have.
Bless you, I believe you're feeling good with the medication now?
serious_oregon --
-- Your message brought me to tears. Thank you so much for this.
About the loss of memories, the mental exhaustion, the inability to concentrate, cognitive issues, the light sensitivity, the frustration: it feels so fucking good to be able to say that I understand. I don't have the means of checking whether your mental and physical state, your 'thing', is the same as mine. I've always tended to be somewhat skeptical in terms of making that judgement. But upon reading those words, I'm
positive that it is. I have read testimonies with which I identified sixty, seventy, eighty percent, but never have I had the impression I have had from your post.
This is it!
Many people would render the condition invalid just because you were able to go through 4 years of university with this. They do suggest that to me: I attend high school regularly, try to join my friends when possible out of school and engage in some kind of sport time to time. I guess what I'm trying to say, it works so tragically against our interest to try functioning healthily. We can hardly expect to be recognised as having a battle to fight, an actual disturbance in our body and our mind. It is a very particular, yet hardly describable handicap that comes in waves and is ungraspable. There is that subconscious feeling of not being 'objectively ill'. You helped me, right now, to kill that dark voice in me. As to the voices around me, I have to stop giving a shit about those.
Although I have resisted using any treatment for depression so far,
everything about your condition, all the symptoms, are valid for me. PTSD has also been suggested in my case.
I am genuinely happy for you doing better now. It fills me with joy.
I feel this surge of impressions of mine may come across as comical or bloated or incoherent or momentary, but you've given me a whole lot of hope, and I don't know how to thank you enough! You may have given me the kick that I needed so fucking bad.
Big hug!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.