What is appropriate venting?

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What is appropriate venting?

Post by mindy »

Hello everyone.

I just had a painful conversation with my SO where he vented to me his frustrations about a specific issue I have. His words cut me very deeply. We talked about how unfair it was for me, but he feels that is the only way for him to be able to vent. That if he spoke to a therapist or journaled it would not release his frustrations. He understand that I am trying very hard to stop that dysfunctional behavior. And i know that he has been very patient with me in dealing with my dysfunction.

I am willing to accept that if I have to. But it is so hard for me to deal with. And it feels so unfair to me.

What do you think? Is it unfair of him to vent to the person who is causing his frustration? Or am I being too sensitive and need to allow him the space to release his frustrations?

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Re: What is appropriate venting?

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Everyone has a right to their feelings, especially you, mindy.

Nobody has a right to vent in a way that ambushes another person. They only have the right to say how specific behaviors make them feel.

Please take care. Your writing shows that you are suffering now. We care, and we are here, and we want the greatest today and tomorrow for you.
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