Now that I'm a professional...

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Joined: February 13th, 2014, 2:56 pm

Now that I'm a professional...

Post by Delilah »

I'm sure this is a common problem, but I needed a safe place to vent. I am now a health professional in Naturopathy. I have put in the time and passed the exams and done the grueling work. My family and friends still treat me like nothing has changed.
They pat me on the head and brag to their friends about my accomplishments, but my opinions and judgement are still just silly to them. They would take the same advice from a stranger, but if it comes from me, I get the condescending "that sounds fine, dear" attitude.
I learned early on to not give advice unless asked for it. Now I am learning to just say nothing. It's funny, they still want free advice, but they never take it seriously.
"Oh, you've learned about this stuff. What should Aunt Mildred do about her back spasms?" I smile and recommend that she make an appointment to see a professional. I then get a huffy response of "Well, I just though you'd be able to help". I have bitten my tongue so many times, I'm developing scars.
On the other side, though, I have given some much considered advice, but when I follow up I learn that "Oh I just went to my Doctor and he said that what you told me wasn't going to work and I'm going to be part of a drug trial now. Isn't that super?"
This frustration is new to me as I am new to my profession. I have real clients that I am able to help and I get great satisfaction from my work, but my family and long time friends can go fuck themselves.
I'm sure that with time my confidence will grow and I won't need their acceptance, but today I just want to cry.
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