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Posted: January 17th, 2014, 11:44 pm
by cyanidebreathmint
Hello, gang.

I kind of wish I could do a poll about this, but I'm not sure that's something I have access to.

I know a lot of people don't believe asexuality is a valid sexual orientation, and a lot of people don't give it much respect. (Even people I have historically much respected and appreciated for their crusading for the rights of the non-straight oriented, ala Dan Savage. )

Historically, homosexuality was seen as a mental illness. As recently as 40ish years ago, if I'm not mistaken. So, I wonder, will asexuality some day have its moment in the light? Will people be coming out more, and saying, "this is me,"....dare I say, being proud of their orientation?

I saw an interview once with a woman who was in psychotherapy for years and years to try and work through her "disease" of lesbianism. It was heartbreaking, but thankfully she found a culture that accepted her and gave her context, and she realized she was ok just as she was.

I often wonder if maybe I am fighting a battle against nature, and hating myself for something as natural as a woman loving a woman, a man loving a man, or a man loving a woman. Maybe, my disconnection with sexual attachment isn't a sign of any illness at all.

Still, there is the need for attachment, and so much of attachment is so woven into sexual relationships and bonding, it seems a bit of a grim life sentence for me to embrace the label of asexual.

I think people here identify as asexual. Well, it's an option on the survey anyway. If you do, will you give me any insights and wisdom about living this way, and how to accept it, how to be sure, and how to cope in a world that says that sexual and romantic partnering is THE # 1....really, point of living?


Re: Asexuality

Posted: June 24th, 2014, 5:39 pm
by ghostmouse
Do you know the youtube show Sexplanations, with Dr. Lindsey Doe? I find her really good at including asexuality in the spectrum of normal human attraction patterns. This is a video she made specifically about asexuality: