Sherlock's Diary

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Re: Sherlock's Diary

Post by Sherlock »


Last night, after marathon watching Evangelion and drinking perhaps less than I usually do, I fucking fell out of my bed when putting down the laptop.

It was crazy, like I just slid right out. I was so tired it happened before I even realized it--I definitely tried to stop it but I was too sluggish. I was kind of laughing at myself and trying not to laugh harder when I fell asleep.

Woke up somewhere in the morning and found a nasty scratch on my finger along with what feels like a bruise--then wiped some skin off my head. Also have a nice little dark bruise on my other hand. Wondering if more bruises will be revealed once I take off my clothes for a shower.

It's sort of like "... Well in a way this is funny" but also "that was totally fucking pathetic and indicative that drinking every single night is fucking ridiculous."

A text from my dad briefly woke me up; it really says something when I heard the alert I wished it was my psychiatrist giving me an appointment and was very disappointed it was my dad.

"We haven't talked in over a month" etc etc "hope things are going well" etc.

Problem is--yeah my last-last post. My dad is being a huge dickbag and not even realizing it. Why would I want to talk to him?

"Things would be going better if I could actually talk to a fucking psychiatrist or therapist when right now I have to settle for my mentally ill friends and family instead. I am drinking nightly. Hope your stupid girlfriend gets out of house arrest soon so she can be a real bitch to me irl like I'm sure she wants to be!"

Yeah right. I'm not picking a fight with that bull (shit).

LUCKILY, I talked to my mom, and she says she can pay pretty much the same amount of I switch insurance but I can actually get psychological help coverage--therapist, meds, psychiatrist. I may have to switch psychiatrists.

SIGN ME THE FUCK UP. I love my psychiatrist and my therapist I haven't seen in hm what feels like half a year but is probably a quarter of a year, but no--this has been the entire problem. Money. It's like she just gave me a "get out of mental hell FREE" card but I can't use it until she does the work to do it (I offered up my help and she didn't sound confident that I could--I could probably do some paperwork, really...)

And then of course some worries settle in.

My current psychiatrist is great because he thinks I'm in a curable position; what if I get someone who contradicts his own opinion?
Do I go somewhere else?
His opinion was "you don't have to be on pills your whole life." I don't want someone who will tell me my pill-taking with be indefininate.
BUT WAS HE WRONG?!?!?!? :shock:
He DID put me on an addictive pill that I didn't know was addictive. I didn't KNOW they could be addictive.

I'm just so worried about finding someone who gives a shit, knows what they're talking about, and can help me with my meds, AND ALSO someone who is understanding and helpful to talk to on the talk therapy side of it all.
Cuz god knows I need it so bad right now. I'm craving it. :( The talk therapy, I mean.

Will they help me with drinking or can I get off the bottle before this whole drinking thing worsens? Can it get worse in a month or two? :?

I've been thinking of what I really want to do to try and get over some feelings I've been having.
I've heard that memorizing things helps distract your mind. Instead of getting into negative thinking, you get into the habit everyday of memorizing something, so your mind goes to THAT instead of shitty negative self talk.
I have plans: some poems in mind and what I need to actually DO as an artist, which is memorize the sketchable parts of the human body (anatomy and where it is mainly--and what it looks like).

Maybe I'll make flashcards for the anatomy stuff. That actually sounds fun. :D Picture with an arrow pointing so I can say what muscle or tendon it is--so I'll actually have to competently draw what it is as well as know what it's called.

Then for poems, just recitation every day. I've got in mind just to tackle on huge poem first, my favorite, the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot.
Once I have it down--then, the Jabberwocky.
Once that's down--selected poems of Emily Dickinson.
Once that's down--and so it goes. I'd have to say it outloud cuz that's poetry. OOH I should memorize The Revolution Will Not Be Televised and other Gil Scot Heron ones, that'd be bitching. And Asylum.... yeah I have ideas.

Also when I get deep into this--I wanna learn the Nell language plus start just learning bits and pieces of various languages.

See? It would have its uses. I'd feel smart, I think it'd be really good for my brain after being a fucking alchy for way too long (I'm forgetting thins or getting things wrong I wouldn't normally), it'd make me more confident in terms of how much vocabulary I'd be learning.

Plus it's also about commitment I can really do. I want to do so much more but I have to feel better before I do it.

Sigh. So we'll see how I'm doing tomorrow... or the next day, or the next day. I'll definitely be relieved once I'm scoping out psychiatrists and therapists on a new insurance plan, though, and hope that doesn't have too many devastating hiccups along the way.
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Re: Sherlock's Diary

Post by manuel_moe_g »

I wish you wouldn't self-harm, Sherlock, but if you can find a way that doesn't have permanent effects, I can be glad about that. Please take care, all the best.
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Re: Sherlock's Diary

Post by Sherlock »

Thanks for your response manuel_moe_g; I haven't self-harmed with candles since that night.

Boy though I feel like a train wreck.

At least I don't want a drink. I don't know how big the temptation will be when I go out and socialize and there's booze available, but for now, 4 days without a bottle (!!!! I didn't even realize I was drinking that much until my psychiatrist did the math for me) of wine is more than I had been able to manage just a week ago.

But my sleep and stomach are FUUUUUUUUUUUUCKED right now. Which sucks ass cuz school starts next Tuesday.

My stomach has like all three symptoms: painful, nauseating, and some heart-burnish stuff. Plus hiccups on and off. I managed to eat a hamburger the second night but only because I was brave enough to continue to do so after nearly throwing up the first bite. Having very light dinners. Worrying since I'm underweight as it is.

Just looked up alcohol withdrawal symptoms; since I had been drinking nightly for months I qualify. I consider myself lucky that it had only been for a few months, though, and not YEARS. Otherwise I'd probably be up shit creek right now. The bad sleeping, some anxiety and tension, plus the bad stomach all make sense now.

But I don't wanna drink. I had a dream that I relapsed but my stomach feels so shitty that I don't wanna drink anyway.

I hope that mindset lasts. I really would like to drink alcohol socially with friends but not go overboard, or if I go overboard it's very rare--I don't know how possible that is for me, but if I have to be the sober one at a punk show or punk party, I can deal with that. (Already have some folks who aren't drinkers who do just that--plus I never drank at shows when I was younger, so...)

Anyway it's mostly the sleep and stomach that really fucking sucks. It's energy zapping, completely. Buuuut I don't feel too bad... just kind of like as bad as you can imagine? Last night was the worst; my meds were all working and I fell blissfully asleep around 10.

Then woke up at 12 and went, "What in the literal fuck?"

I tried sleeping again for 2 hours, trying to catch the stray sleepiness, but I was in this uncomfortable state between wakefulness and sleep that I just gave up.

Just woke up from about a 3-4 hour nap that was sort of anxious; I laid in bed for a while thinking kind of dark thoughts and started crying and felt a little depressed, but eventually and thankfully sleep succumbed.

I'm HOPING I'll be able to get more rest tonight even with that nap in. Honestly I feel sleepy now and I hope that helps. I also just took a tums and though I'm not hungry like I should be, I feel a little better.

Until this sleeping and eating shit is in order, I'm not going to be in the "it's so great to be off alcohol" phase. It's going to be great when my new meds hopefully work for me (main reason for going cold turkey on alcohol) and I start to feel more even again like I was in the summer.

But it's a good update overall, I guess?

Especially considering what was going on in my house this week. My parents are over 50 and DO NOT understand computers but are on the hunt for a new laptop. My mom went through a lot of pains for my step dad's specifications. I'll just make the story short that in the process of trying to please her, I used an old laptop chord on my current laptop to see if it worked on my laptop, and in my over-zealousness to make it work I tried shoving it in when it just plain didn't fit. The next time I tried the actual chord for my laptop that my mom had been borrowing for their old laptop, it was wobbly and didn't fit and didn't recognize the plug-in.

LUCKILY! My old laptop still works and we get free anti-virus from our internet service. No idea why I needed the new laptop but suffice to say I didn't panic nearly as much as I would have if I had been in a worst state the other day when I realized my dear (though shitty) computer was dying. I transferred all important and superfluous data onto this old laptop, successfully set up the internet and got rid of some viruses, and here I am.

So on the bad side, I will probably accomplish absolutely nothing I wanted when I started winter break. On the good side, I realize it's because I was sick in the head during the holiday seasons and after and I may do better this semester anyway, as I have a little more free time to myself. Still have some worries here and there but they'll have to wait for when I'm feeling better.
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Re: Sherlock's Diary

Post by Sherlock »

Seriously wanted to vomit just from scooping up mac and cheese from the fridge. Mind you, I am NOT usually bad about left over smells--oh my god it was more like how I am with vomit. Puke-tastic!

But I made it through! I made the mac and cheese and I am eating! Shitty food but all I had all day was fucking toast so good job, me. :clap: Boy that would sound fucking pathetic if you weren't in my body right now or didn't have sympathy/empathy but SERIOUSLY.

What made it worse or better, I don't know, is my big cat Lola MEOOOOOWing for food. I talk back to her, "I WISH I HAD THE APPETITE YOU HAVE. YOU HAVE NO EMPATHY, CAT." It just feels funny talking back to a cat so maybe it helped me loosen up and put the damn thing in the microwave.

Gonna eat while that fucking cat scratches and yowls at my door. :|
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Re: Sherlock's Diary

Post by Sherlock »

Last night I went to bed around 10... and woke up around 7 am! WHOO! Go me!!! :dance:

School starts tomorrow so that's really good. My first class is at 9 am so I need to have this type of schedule.

Still having HORRIBLE stomach issues but again, I think they'll even out once I've had more days of rest like this. It really helps that my cat didn't come to me at 3 am and wake me up for food like she usually does; it sort of breaks my deep sleep, and I go in and out of sleep and in the mornings always decide, "Nope, need more sleep."

Today I just... woke up. It was kind of amazing. Then again, last night, I LET myself go to sleep when I was tired. I didn't get caught up into anything that would make my brain go into over-drive and keep myself awake; basically I didn't fight against my medication.

Problem is I kind of don't know what to do for the rest of my day.

... My room could probably be cleaned. :lol:

Also I did start on those flashcards only to discover HOW MUCH WORK they would be... maybe I'll just push through and continue those once I've done some laundry and picked shit up off the floor. School starts tomorrow so I probably really need some clothes.

:whistle: Things are not quite coming up daisies but I am happy with this development for the day.
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Re: Sherlock's Diary

Post by Sherlock »

Put clothes in the wash. Did a little cleaning in the room and some prep for tomorrow for school (DID NOT DO THAT AT ALL LAST YEAR, GO ME).

I found this slip of paper I wrote before fall semester last year. It's a word-for-word text from my psychiatrist that I think everyone in this forum should hear, but I'll just start here:

"Don't be afraid of stigma. Fight it! The ignorance, denial, and prejudice surrounding mental and addictive disorders kills people: it's in the news almost daily.

The simplest way to fight is to seek services. The next step is to be open about your own struggles. The next step is to advocate.

Do what you can."

Pretty sure it made me bawl when I read it. Mind you, this is my psychiatrist--i.e. "here's your meds!" He does so much more than is required of him it's astounding.

Guy's got a good soul. There's no proper emoticon to show the peace I feel reading this again.
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Re: Sherlock's Diary

Post by Sherlock »

Just in case anyone thought I was feeling too honky-dory today: oh my god my stomach I feel like I'm going to die. Either too much coffee or just this new medication or whatever, I dunno.
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Re: Sherlock's Diary

Post by Sherlock »

Been a while.

It's cuz something amazing happened.

It's not that this community hasn't been good, but I just happened upon something.

It was a community I found through a person I just happened to know through the punk scene who as it turns out is autistic and a lesbian: someone gave her a link to a "Neuroqueer" community, meaning people who were "neurodivergent" and queer in any way.

It was a fucking gateway.

I've made at least 4 or 5 friends... maybe more, with people who fucking get me.

And I've been learning harder and faster than before. The first person I made friends with is... amazing. They're this amazing person I wish I could just transport myself to meet. They're genderqueer, half black, extremely disabled and living in London and it's like we shared a mind connection--I SO NEEDED someone who was at least partially AFrican American AND someone who was fucking British to connect to, and even better, she's been diagnosed as Autistic with a fucking horrible invisible disability that effects her immune system. She's opened my eyes.

She's asesxual. I'm saying "she' just because I say "she' for me sometimes; I am pretty firmly genderqueer now. So much as happened in these past few months that saying "I'm a girl" or "I'm a woman" feels wrong. Saying "I'm a lady" feels okay. Saying "I'm a guy" or "I'm a dude" is really more what I jive with.

All these people are genderqueer that I'm making connections with.

It's such a profound movement in thinking and pretty unique to my generation that I kind of had to... just decompress here, to see. What does everyone think... like, why is gender such a THING?

:think: The community is nothing but validating when it comes to your identity... which is what feels so good. I mean, I make mistakes and people get offended--and it can be about anything.

I know that kind of environment is controversial. But we have a similar one here. It's all about being inclusive.... and being considerate that everyone is sensitive.

It's become this thing where I've made so many connections where it's like, "Okay, if it's time to jump ship.... *looks around and sees I'm surrounded by friends* READY TO JUMP?!" like I'm not ALONE if I leave the community. Either through FB or tumblr they're still with me and it's amazing.

Also I've found a very low cost therapist finally by Paul's advice? Or perhaps someone else. It was "(your marginalized group/diagnosis) + (your region) + low-cost therapy" on an internet search that led me to a gender health center that offered me very reasonable therapy ONCE A WEEK. I love my new therapist.

I have been having issues all along the way, though. It's why I had to really utilize that group quite suddenly.

I'm having side-effects to my drugs, I've finally realized, and also I'm very underweight and have been put on a diet to eat 6 meals a day.

This has been hellish. I haven't really been keeping up with it for... too many reasons to name.

Most of it has to do with my family. They really stress me out. I've now had wild imaginations where me and my NeuroQueer friends can just go live somewhere and support each other in real life. I'd be so needed by everyone and everyone else would feel so needed. :( It's a lovely little fantasy, at least.
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Re: Sherlock's Diary

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Sherlock wrote:I've made at least 4 or 5 friends... maybe more, with people who fucking get me.
This is awesome. You deserve it! :D :D :D
~~~~~~ -- Obsequious Thumbtack Headdress
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