I'm not in treatment for my depression/anxiety issues. When I was younger and suicidal, I went and tried to get help and tried meds without a whole lot of success and got turned off by the mental health system. I muddled through life. Not being happy, but treading water. I've been in a hole since November and part of me says it's time to get help and part of me says it's too late. I'm 46. I've made the decisions that made my life the way it is and now I have to live with it. I wish I could go back in time and tell my younger self to act out more and ask for help at a younger age. I wonder why nobody picked up on things back then. Maybe today teachers are more aware and would have picked up on things. There were definitely things that teachers should have noticed and atleast asked if every thing was ok.
Back to the present, I keep thinking this latest depression is maybe a seasonal thing and I will pop out of it when spring comes. My family views my depression as a moral failure and immaturity. I don't ever speak to them about it. I let them think I outgrew it. My spousal unit knows I have problems, but will never say mental illness. She calls them emotional issues which to me makes me feel like I'm some weak little shit that can't control my emotions.
Anyhow I'm fucked up in the head and I don't believe I will ever change. I'm such a sack of shit that should stop whining and feeling sorry for myself when others have much worse problems than me. Why should I call the dr and get meds that won't help, and maybe I'll just come out of this low by myself. I think I'm slowly coming out of it. But even if I come out of this low, I know I still will be an unhappy loser. Going from major depression to dysthymia. I will still be full of anxiety and issues. I'll still be a miserable loser. In five minutes I will regret posting this and will proceed to beat myself up all day for it and hope nobody reads it.