Lawlessness45's Diary
Posted: May 17th, 2014, 12:19 pm
Dearest Diary, (ha, I get a kick out of just writing that)
Ok, so I realize a majority of my posts/writings/poems/prose/art have been filled with vitriol and negativity lately. I’m going to try to combat that, though I may not always be successful. Things have been hard, to say the least. I was hospitalized again from March 31st through April 16th for suicidal ideation. During my stay I finally admitted that I had been molested somewhere between age 5-7. It took nearly 3 weeks(or if you want to get technical 25 years) for me to stop denying it, but the flashbacks and body memories were getting more and more difficult to ignore. Thankfully I realized this while in a safe place. I’m not sure what would have happened otherwise, with me being so unstable. The first day I recognized what happened I felt like I had been hit by a truck. I was so physically and mentally exhausted I could hardly function. I told no one, still thinking I could keep it to myself, and that if I just acknowledged it, everything would get better. The next day, I wrote it down. Got it out on paper the next morning. It was like some horrible secret that was TOO horrible to be spoken aloud. But I did speak it aloud that day. To my psychiatrist and therapist. Things didn’t really get better, but I wasn’t walking around pretending everything was fine. I was so unstable…one day I’d feel like I was ready to get out. The next, I couldn’t stop crying, and after that I’d be so enraged all I wanted to do was hit someone. I managed to control myself for the most part. But I think I freaked my parents out quite a bit, calling them in such different states.
Anyway, I ended up staying an extra week to do an EMDR session, which helped tremendously. It hasn’t solved everything, but I can talk about it now. I can speak of it without panicking. Most of the time. It has greatly affected me, though. I’m still dealing with the fall out. I’m working to feel safe in the world again, and to rebuild my sense of self worth. I’m working to want to live, and trying to choose to live everyday, even though it is fricken hard. I wish I was stronger, honestly, and that things didn’t affect me so much. I wish I’d done the disability paper work this week. I wish I knew where my life was headed and how things turn out. I wish I knew a lot of things. I want to be hopeful. I want to just wake up and want to live. But I’m not there yet. I’m getting there. That comment inspires a strange sort of anxiety and discouragement, because I soo want to be done. To be cured, to be fixed. The knowledge that I still have a long way to go feels discouraging. But people keep telling me I’ve made progress. I just can’t see it. Well, sometimes I can. Other times I feel like I’m stuck in mud and moving just makes things worse.
The last two weeks have been…pretty terrible. My depression is fighting back, and it’s fighting dirty. I didn’t handle things well. I choose to fall back into old habits of sleeping a lot, not eating and ridiculously negative self talk. I just couldn’t feel anything other than a numbing deadness inside my chest. Dear god, how I hate that feeling. Which means for the past two weeks I haven’t gotten anything done. Well, I haven’t gotten paperwork that needs to be done, done. I suppose in the long run I’ve done quite a bit. I’ve continued to go to the outpatient program everyday, and to hang out with a few friends. I’ve just avoided quite a few things. (Bills, especially…ick…) But I’m choosing right now to not do that this week. I’m choosing to complete that dang paperwork and pick up my paystub. It really isn’t that hard. I’ve just felt so useless I couldn’t even make myself do those small things.
I’m quite proud of myself today. Today is a good day. I cleaned my room and down stairs, and managed to ride a wave of anxiety without taking my anit-anxiety medication. I’ve just proven to myself that I can do it. At least, I can do some small things.
Funny, but I’m afraid this journal is too hopeful. The way things have been going…well…they have been very down. Yesterday I was wondering what the point of being on the earth was if I was so useless I couldn’t fill out a few pages of paperwork. Today, I’ve only had a few hours of soul numbing heart hurt, which is a definite improvement. I just so desperately want to hold on to this feeling. But it is just that; a feeling. It will come and go. Knowing that makes me both hopeful and absolutely filled with dread. I’ve been doing DBT, and we are working on Distress Tolerance. We’ve talked about how it is possible to “ride the wave” of an emotion. I suppose they are right, but that is so much easier said than done.
I haven’t cut since the 31st of March. I’ve wanted to, but I went out and bought a bunch of fake tattoos to put on my arm instead. It isn’t nearly as satisfying, but it seems to help me get through the moment. Or the hour. I may still want to after I’m done applying them, but I don’t want to ruin the tattoos, as silly as they are.
To be honest, I’ve just been tired these last few weeks. Tired of trying. I ashamed to say that I gave in to those feelings. I want to be able to fight them, but when you fight them nearly every moment of every day, it just becomes so exhausting. The shame that goes along with that and the disapproval from my family isn’t particularly helpful. They are supportive for the most part, but I think they are irritated with me for my severe lack of progress/motivation the last 2 weeks. At least, my mother is. Jesus, that woman. I love her, but her telling me what I should do just makes me not want to do it. Even if it is good advice that would help me in the long run. Doesn't make much logical sense.
I’m thinking of moving back in with my parents (or visiting). Arizona no less. At least, until I get the disability thing figured out. It may only be for a month. We will see how things go. I’m a bit worried about it, and being such a burden to them. But I had a conversation with my father yesterday that really helped.
I’ve been triggered by a lot of things lately, and have the bad habit of triggering myself just to “get it over with”. It’s like I want to sprint through the healing process so I can just be done. But sprinting through a marathon never does anyone any good. I trigger myself because I believe the more I do it the more used to it I’ll get and the better I’ll be at dealing with it. This has not proven to be the case, as the last few weeks have proven. I think a few triggers may be good…like as in distress tolerance, but I often go overboard. I push myself to a level of crisis and anxiety that it takes me weeks to come down from. Huh. I just realized that’s what I’ve been doing. And why it’s been such a crappy 2 weeks. I really need to work on that. Yet another thing to add to the list. *Sigh*.
At any rate, this has made me feel better. I’ve been avoiding journaling. I’m afraid of what it will bring up. But this hasn’t been so bad. Then again, it’s a good day. We will see what the bad days bring. Hopefully there will be less of them in the future. And the won’t be nearly as dark.
Dearest Diary, (ha, I get a kick out of just writing that)
Ok, so I realize a majority of my posts/writings/poems/prose/art have been filled with vitriol and negativity lately. I’m going to try to combat that, though I may not always be successful. Things have been hard, to say the least. I was hospitalized again from March 31st through April 16th for suicidal ideation. During my stay I finally admitted that I had been molested somewhere between age 5-7. It took nearly 3 weeks(or if you want to get technical 25 years) for me to stop denying it, but the flashbacks and body memories were getting more and more difficult to ignore. Thankfully I realized this while in a safe place. I’m not sure what would have happened otherwise, with me being so unstable. The first day I recognized what happened I felt like I had been hit by a truck. I was so physically and mentally exhausted I could hardly function. I told no one, still thinking I could keep it to myself, and that if I just acknowledged it, everything would get better. The next day, I wrote it down. Got it out on paper the next morning. It was like some horrible secret that was TOO horrible to be spoken aloud. But I did speak it aloud that day. To my psychiatrist and therapist. Things didn’t really get better, but I wasn’t walking around pretending everything was fine. I was so unstable…one day I’d feel like I was ready to get out. The next, I couldn’t stop crying, and after that I’d be so enraged all I wanted to do was hit someone. I managed to control myself for the most part. But I think I freaked my parents out quite a bit, calling them in such different states.
Anyway, I ended up staying an extra week to do an EMDR session, which helped tremendously. It hasn’t solved everything, but I can talk about it now. I can speak of it without panicking. Most of the time. It has greatly affected me, though. I’m still dealing with the fall out. I’m working to feel safe in the world again, and to rebuild my sense of self worth. I’m working to want to live, and trying to choose to live everyday, even though it is fricken hard. I wish I was stronger, honestly, and that things didn’t affect me so much. I wish I’d done the disability paper work this week. I wish I knew where my life was headed and how things turn out. I wish I knew a lot of things. I want to be hopeful. I want to just wake up and want to live. But I’m not there yet. I’m getting there. That comment inspires a strange sort of anxiety and discouragement, because I soo want to be done. To be cured, to be fixed. The knowledge that I still have a long way to go feels discouraging. But people keep telling me I’ve made progress. I just can’t see it. Well, sometimes I can. Other times I feel like I’m stuck in mud and moving just makes things worse.
The last two weeks have been…pretty terrible. My depression is fighting back, and it’s fighting dirty. I didn’t handle things well. I choose to fall back into old habits of sleeping a lot, not eating and ridiculously negative self talk. I just couldn’t feel anything other than a numbing deadness inside my chest. Dear god, how I hate that feeling. Which means for the past two weeks I haven’t gotten anything done. Well, I haven’t gotten paperwork that needs to be done, done. I suppose in the long run I’ve done quite a bit. I’ve continued to go to the outpatient program everyday, and to hang out with a few friends. I’ve just avoided quite a few things. (Bills, especially…ick…) But I’m choosing right now to not do that this week. I’m choosing to complete that dang paperwork and pick up my paystub. It really isn’t that hard. I’ve just felt so useless I couldn’t even make myself do those small things.
I’m quite proud of myself today. Today is a good day. I cleaned my room and down stairs, and managed to ride a wave of anxiety without taking my anit-anxiety medication. I’ve just proven to myself that I can do it. At least, I can do some small things.
Funny, but I’m afraid this journal is too hopeful. The way things have been going…well…they have been very down. Yesterday I was wondering what the point of being on the earth was if I was so useless I couldn’t fill out a few pages of paperwork. Today, I’ve only had a few hours of soul numbing heart hurt, which is a definite improvement. I just so desperately want to hold on to this feeling. But it is just that; a feeling. It will come and go. Knowing that makes me both hopeful and absolutely filled with dread. I’ve been doing DBT, and we are working on Distress Tolerance. We’ve talked about how it is possible to “ride the wave” of an emotion. I suppose they are right, but that is so much easier said than done.
I haven’t cut since the 31st of March. I’ve wanted to, but I went out and bought a bunch of fake tattoos to put on my arm instead. It isn’t nearly as satisfying, but it seems to help me get through the moment. Or the hour. I may still want to after I’m done applying them, but I don’t want to ruin the tattoos, as silly as they are.
To be honest, I’ve just been tired these last few weeks. Tired of trying. I ashamed to say that I gave in to those feelings. I want to be able to fight them, but when you fight them nearly every moment of every day, it just becomes so exhausting. The shame that goes along with that and the disapproval from my family isn’t particularly helpful. They are supportive for the most part, but I think they are irritated with me for my severe lack of progress/motivation the last 2 weeks. At least, my mother is. Jesus, that woman. I love her, but her telling me what I should do just makes me not want to do it. Even if it is good advice that would help me in the long run. Doesn't make much logical sense.
I’m thinking of moving back in with my parents (or visiting). Arizona no less. At least, until I get the disability thing figured out. It may only be for a month. We will see how things go. I’m a bit worried about it, and being such a burden to them. But I had a conversation with my father yesterday that really helped.
I’ve been triggered by a lot of things lately, and have the bad habit of triggering myself just to “get it over with”. It’s like I want to sprint through the healing process so I can just be done. But sprinting through a marathon never does anyone any good. I trigger myself because I believe the more I do it the more used to it I’ll get and the better I’ll be at dealing with it. This has not proven to be the case, as the last few weeks have proven. I think a few triggers may be good…like as in distress tolerance, but I often go overboard. I push myself to a level of crisis and anxiety that it takes me weeks to come down from. Huh. I just realized that’s what I’ve been doing. And why it’s been such a crappy 2 weeks. I really need to work on that. Yet another thing to add to the list. *Sigh*.
At any rate, this has made me feel better. I’ve been avoiding journaling. I’m afraid of what it will bring up. But this hasn’t been so bad. Then again, it’s a good day. We will see what the bad days bring. Hopefully there will be less of them in the future. And the won’t be nearly as dark.