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I suffer from Aspergers syndrome I need help

Posted: August 5th, 2014, 8:30 pm
by LonelyJC
Dear Paul my name is John Michael Chrisp I have a learning disability and bipolar manic depression and Aspergers I am pretty high function learning disabled but I have a problem with overeating and sometimes with the fascination with sugar substances I have use sugar with my water I had always wanted to marry a chief to learn how to cook I feel bad and get angry because I really want to help my mom but don't know how sometimes because recently my mom had fell down and hurt her leg my mom has depression also it runs in the family my sister recently was clinical depressed after her second husband had past away and my niece was depressed also and my father after a lay off from his job there are many issues I haven't figured out in my family I moved to Alabama sometime ago but has lost my memory of a girl I used to like in Alabama I don't recall anything of the relationship because you know how scientific study has shown that people that have negative stuff happen to them while in trumma there memory lost is wiped strictly away I do admit I have drank and mix my medicines a while back I have stopped I only drink non alcoholic oduls now and there been many outbursts at places I have a high BMI because I use to go to smoothie shops and use fat burners I had wanted to be a boxer an Ultimate fighter I have enjoyed Kick boxing and Martial arts I was angry because my father never wanted me to get pro active and get involed in sports or anything like that I asked I onetime asked him about a skateboard but they said no I love many things in life and have a problem with budgeting my money because of my food aditciton

John Chrisp

Re: I suffer from Aspergers syndrome I need help

Posted: August 5th, 2014, 9:41 pm
by fifthsonata
John, Paul does not directly moderate each post. But, his advice will only go so far - you really need to see a counselor. There are plenty of options for low-cost/no-fee therapy out there if money is an issue. Your next step should be telling these exact things to a professional - social worker, therapist, counselor, whoever you can find in the mental health field.

Let us know if you need some help looking up options in your area. I'm sure we'd all be happy to chip in five minutes to help you search.

Re: I suffer from Aspergers syndrome I need help

Posted: September 9th, 2014, 9:35 am
by wyverary
I know this is an old thread, but I have Aspergers as well. I agree about finding professional help; and if you do (have done) so, try and find someone who specializes in autism spectrum disorders. I was in therapy for many years, and I finally found one who does have experience helping people cope with ASD, and he has proven tremendously helpful.


Re: I suffer from Aspergers syndrome I need help

Posted: April 14th, 2015, 9:56 pm
by idunknow45
I also have the diagnosis of autism, and I relate to what you say. I hate that I am never asked to explain things or help in my fields of competency because the way I explain things to people makes them feel nervous, makes them confused, and makes them feel dumb, even though I try *SO* hard to be calm, clear, and empathic?

Re: I suffer from Aspergers syndrome I need help

Posted: April 15th, 2015, 12:38 pm
by manuel_moe_g
idunknow45 wrote:I hate that I am never asked to explain things or help in my fields of competency because the way I explain things to people makes them feel nervous, makes them confused, and makes them feel dumb, even though I try *SO* hard to be calm, clear, and empathic?
I know this feeling very well. Please take care, idunknow45, all the best to you.