Things often said in mental health groups making me angry

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Things often said in mental health groups making me angry

Post by neufena »

Sorry if this turns into a rant. There's a couple of things I hear often said that used to make me a little annoyed but now seem to make me angry. I hear these in many places, not just this podcast. I'll try to explain if I can:

1) Being told to put up boundaries then in the next breath told that we need to get vulnerable. Which one is it? Block people out or let them in? Put up barriers or remove them? Make your mind up

2) Using experience or past knowledge to have an idea of what will happen in the future being dismissed as a 'crystal ball'. What ever happened to learning from mistakes? If you bored everybody at the last 5 parties you went to is it not right to say the next one you'll bore people too? If the last 10 people you tried to strike up a conversation looked at you with disgust why is it wrong to say if I talk to people they will look at me with disgust?

3) Always being told to change your view rather than accept reality? Why is it nobody ever wants us to accept the world around them but wants us to make up a new reality even if it's false? I've been there many times, it causes more harm than good when the false reality crumbles. Why does nobody ever seem to want to help people accept themselves as they are (and admit failure or that they could be worthless) and instead want people to pretend and fake a different life?
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Re: Things often said in mental health groups making me angr

Post by rivergirl »

I read your post and I'm sorry you're hearing things that aren't helpful and that are making you angry. Anything that gives false hope can be so painful when it falls through. I just wanted you to know that I hear you. I know this has been said before, but I often feel like we're still in the dark ages when it comes to how mental health is treated and the lack of resources allocated to helping people who are suffering. You don't deserve to be in so much pain.

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