In the Darkness, I'm Reaching Out

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In the Darkness, I'm Reaching Out

Post by Lpyrbby »


I'm in a hole. Thanks for peering in. I'm not always a sour little pessimistic turd but on nights like tonight, I get a bit stinky.

I'm a CSA survivor. One therapist has remarked that I'm "over-adjusted" so realistically, I tend to function like a "normal" human.

The last few days though...not so much. My marriage is at risk. I can't initiate important conversations. I can't stand up for myself. I question my existence and its value.

I'm hopefully going to meet up with a third therapist on Sunday, to eventually try an EMDR session.

But tonight...tonight all I have is you, dear internet.

*tips hat
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Re: In the Darkness, I'm Reaching Out

Post by Blurry Face »

Hi! Wow I feel like I just read my own post! I’m a CSA survivor as well and I definitely struggle with making my needs known or feeling like anyone in my life owes me anything.
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Re: In the Darkness, I'm Reaching Out

Post by snoringdog »

Hello Blurry,

Hello and welcome! Hope you can find help.

Making your needs known, yes that is hard sometimes, right? I sometimes avoid doing that, thinking it'll cause confrontation or that I'll be a nuisance, etc etc.
But usually if I just do it calmly before any sort of internal pressure builds up, it usually ends well with a discussion and resolution.

And remember that no one owes you anything but dignity and respect!

Wishing you well,

Snoring Dog
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Re: In the Darkness, I'm Reaching Out

Post by kmac88 »

Hi lovely!

Fellow CSA survivor here too. Over 20 years after the fact, I'm still learning the ways my body and mind remember what happened and how that's impacted my boundaries, my relationships, and how I think/feel about myself. Nothing is more unfair than having something so shitty happen to you, something that was not at all your fault, and having it come back to haunt you at the most inopportune moments. Here's hoping your partner is willing to work with you to figure out what you both need. Sending you positive energy and SOOOOOO much love. Focus on those tiny victories/joys. <3
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