Hello - Don't Wanna Overthink This....

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Hello - Don't Wanna Overthink This....

Post by snoringdog »

Well, got past that first part!

I've been listening to the MIHH and THWOD for the last month or so, and they've been a great help to me. So many seemingly well-adjusted people are weighed down daily(!).
Not good, but good to know....

Was really anxious, depressed and harassed by repetitive negative thoughts. Been dealing with this since a teenager, and have been diagnosed with dysthymia. Low grade, but a constant PITA. And I do know what a full blown bout of depression feels like...

So, many interesting posts on the board, and I thought I could join in....

(Seems a little quiet lately though, guess I missed the party in 2017! - ('Most users ever online was 671 on July 21st, 2017, 11:11 am')


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Re: Hello - Don't Wanna Overthink This....

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Hello snoringdog, welcome to our little forum. Feel free to use as a resource for however you see fit. We love to read your contributions.

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I am guessing that THWOD stands for "The Hilarious World of Depression". How is that podcast compared to MIHH?

Take care, all the best!
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Re: Hello - Don't Wanna Overthink This....

Post by snoringdog »

Hello Manuel,

Thanks. I came across both podcasts at the same time and downloaded a bunch of episodes kinda as a lifeline (I know that sounds a little dramatic....), but I've always found solace in the spoken word.

Both have be great. Engaging, soothing & enlightening with in-depth interviews and insights from a wide range of people.

Hilarious World centers mostly on comedians and a few actors who struggle with MH issues. The first one was with Dick Cavett who has known depression since college, along with many of his well known guests over the years....


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Re: Hello - Don't Wanna Overthink This....

Post by brownblob »

Welcome to the board It has gotten pretty slow. I also deal with depression issues. The podcast has been a big help to me the last few years. I think of listening to it as my support group.
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Re: Hello - Don't Wanna Overthink This....

Post by snoringdog »

Yes, things were pretty hopping a few years back, it appears.

Wish I'd known about this BBS at the time, I'd have jumped in to a few threads. Maybe I'll bump a few back up to see if anyone's interested...
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Re: Hello - Don't Wanna Overthink This....

Post by rivergirl »

Hey snoringdog,

I'm not glad that you have these issues, but glad you found your way here, and welcome.

I also listen to THWOD.

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