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Re: Gratefulness

Posted: July 31st, 2022, 10:37 pm
by Mental Fairy
Grateful today for the voice that’s telling me that I’m doing ok is suddenly louder than the one that’s telling me I’m not.

Focus focus focus

Re: Gratefulness

Posted: August 14th, 2022, 4:02 pm
by rivergirl
Since I have posted much negativity this weekend, I decided to try to post some summer gratitude thoughts.

I'm grateful for all these gratefulness posts. Re: the cabin in the woods. I remember how thrilled I was the first time I saw a beaver paddling by the riverbank where I lived in Oregon. I'm enjoying the image of snoring dog paddling his kayak and interacting with the industrious creatures.

I'm grateful for elote and fresh limeade.

I'm grateful for at least partly recovering my love for fiction that I lost during years of depression, and for the e-audiobooks I've listened to this summer.

I'm grateful for my mom's cat being particularly present with me in the evenings this summer, barely waiting until I sit on my bed to curl up against my leg.

I'm grateful for a few shows that I'm enjoying, including Only Murders In the Building on Hulu.

I'm grateful for my new apple watch that has helped me double my daily steps.

I'm grateful for the Calm app sleep stories that my coworker recommended because I'm struggling with intermittent sleep.

I'm grateful that it is still light when I come home from work.

I'm grateful to be able to continue to witness the struggles and the support that exists on this forum even when I'm not up to posting myself.

Re: Gratefulness

Posted: August 14th, 2022, 4:09 pm
by Mental Fairy
I’m grateful your back on board the good ship mentalpod!

The hot coffee in my way oversized coffee mug today!
The morning run and the bugs I ate along the way!

Finding my cat on her tower watching the news when I got back! Small things.

Re: Gratefulness

Posted: August 17th, 2022, 3:38 pm
by snoringdog
Hello Rivergirl

".... Re: the cabin in the woods. I remember how thrilled I was the first time I saw a beaver paddling by the riverbank where I lived in Oregon. I'm enjoying the image of snoring dog paddling his kayak and interacting with the industrious creatures...."

I have to admit it was a little scary, being alone in a very small & tippy one-person pseudo-kayak, very close to the water.

And having a medium-dog-size intelligent creature eyeing me after I'd messed a bit with his/her handywork. :o
I said softly, "We're glad you're here, and we're not your enemies.... Just doing a little experiment and having a friendly competition".

And the shallow channels I made in the top of the dam were expertly patched by morning.
Mud, stones, twigs, and fresh evergreen clippings. Awesome.

BTW - I saw on Wikipedia that, via satellite, they've found a beaver dam in Canada that's longer than the Hoover dam!
It measures almost a mile in length. Can you imagine?!


Re: Gratefulness

Posted: August 17th, 2022, 6:57 pm
by Mental Fairy
I suddenly want to import a beaver to New Zealand.

Re: Gratefulness

Posted: December 3rd, 2022, 7:59 pm
by snoringdog
Things I am grateful for -

Incubators – So, I was a preemie. Two and a half months early at 3.1 pounds. Went home on my due date after being in an incubator for those couple of months. Seems to have worked.. ;) ( But hmm… Did that contribute to a bit of claustrophobia that I have, and possible attachment troubles?)

My Vision – Back then babies could develop blindness from too high an oxygen concentration in the incubators. Also preemies can develop eye troubles known as “Retinopathy of Prematurity”. I’m thankful to have to avoided that.

(I happened to hear the poet and writer Stephen Kuusisto at a poetry festival this year. He has a couple of wonderful books - “Planet of the Blind” and “Have Dog, Will Travel” where he describes growing up and living with his greatly impaired vision due to this condition.)

My Color Vision – My father had some amount of color blindness, a red-green deficiency. Avoided that one too.

Re: Gratefulness

Posted: December 3rd, 2022, 8:29 pm
by manuel_moe_g
Glad you have first-rate vision, SnoringDog

Re: Gratefulness

Posted: December 3rd, 2022, 9:45 pm
by Mental Fairy
Oh I love this SD. Fantastic

Re: Gratefulness

Posted: December 6th, 2022, 12:00 pm
by Mental Fairy
I am grateful today for the act of self compassion. I have learn this slowly over the months. I have had to pull it out and use it over the last few days while fighting a virus that is having a field day with me cells!

I am grateful for my cat whom spent the night giving me what i can only describe as chest compressions all night. I was unsettled, restless and struggling. She slinked her fluffy overfeed body onto my chest and immediately started making cookies i believe they call it. Kneading away for ages until i slowly drifted off. When i would wake or become restless she slinked back up and started again! I lost count at 7 attempts to settle me!

Re: Gratefulness

Posted: December 18th, 2022, 9:11 pm
by monic94
I really like this topic as it is a valuable way to contribute ideas and celebrate successes.
I am actually grateful to get rid of back pain diseases.
Grateful to sit on this recliner and enjoy the sunshine.
Grateful to get new furniture and set up a beautiful home.