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Hello everyone
Posted: May 15th, 2016, 5:31 pm
by quietrain
I'm a twenty-something student. I've been struggling with anxiety and depressive episodes, as well as disordered thinking towards eating. I've had them for quite a while now, and it's been really, really tough. But I just recently started seeing a therapist, and I have a supportive boyfriend and caring friends, so I'm kind of hopeful about recovery.
Re: Hello everyone
Posted: May 16th, 2016, 4:49 am
by Michigander
My mental illness started in college. I know it is common for mental illness to start at that age....but geez it sure does make it hard to study/go to class and deal with mental illness all at once.
Most colleges have free therapy and psychiatric doctors which, I mean, you get your luck of the draw for therapists but free is free.
Also, a little known trick, you can use your school's disability center with mental illness. I have social anxiety, so they let me take my tests in a room all by myself in the disability center so I could concentrate of the test instead of everyone around me in class. Go check it out, it could be of help to you.