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Can you enjoy sexual touch after PTSD???

Posted: June 19th, 2016, 9:50 pm
by sansi
Hi :)
I have sexual trauma related PTSD, major depression, bulimia (past), suicidal ideation. I adore my pets, sometimes I hate people. I dressed like a boy from age 10-16. I wanted to be a boy, I even dreamed of peeing like a boy, but my feelings where hurt when people thought I was a boy. At age 9 I planned to swallow my mom's box of pills once my menstrual cycle again. I began to become feminine again at around 16 but the bulimia started. I believe I was hiding in a boys costume to hide from the child predator next door neighbor & peeping tom.
I want to know if or how I will ever enjoy sexual touch again. I've been through PTSD therapy and have been able to leave most of the anger behind that I feel from sexual touch.
I'm afraid of bathrooms due to the Trans laws. I'm afraid of predators taking advantage of the Trans laws. I'm afraid of being in bathrooms/showers with people who have penis's. I am happy for Trans people being accepted more in society but it's scarey. I don't hate but people automatically feel you're a hater when you voice these concerns.
Ironically Trans men are probably in more danger from men when going in men's rooms then I am in a women's restrooms with potential predators. I've been able to see the danger more realistically with PTSD therapy.

Re: Can you enjoy sexual touch after PTSD???

Posted: June 20th, 2016, 3:23 pm
by Beany Boo

Thank you for sharing what you're going through. Keep checking in.

Re: Can you enjoy sexual touch after PTSD???

Posted: June 29th, 2016, 12:05 pm
by Imissmysun
God people suck!

Take things as slowly as you need to - you need to retrain your brain and rewire it -

It thinks that everyone is going to hurt you with touch - most people don't want to so that - they see touch as a way to comfort and help - but you have a lot of trauma - it makes it super hard - but it is possible - its just that you are in the middle of working through some really hard stuff - its stuff that didn't filter into your life overnight and it can't filter out of you overnight - but it can filter out -

if it is something that you want you can have it -

I know I know its not that easy - and you are right its not - but it is doable - and you are the one who can make it doable -

keep talking to us - on good days and bad -

I am listening - and I get it - I just went the other way - I craved touch for validation instead of fearing it - my wires are still crossed they are just crossed differently - I still need to learn the right way too see myself in a healthy way