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This is me. Recovering scaredycat.

Posted: October 27th, 2016, 7:00 pm
by quiet_riot
Hello. I have tried several forums but I love this podcast and website. I have been through the wringer with depression and intrusive thoughts of suicide. I finally found wellbutrin after trying many meds and most of the time I feel halfway normal. I have occasional disassociation episodes during the week but I am on disability now so I don't have to worry about doing something stupid at work.

I care for my husband who has physical and mental difficulties and I'm not a recluse but do spend a lot of time alone. Usually it's not a problem but loneliness triggers episodes.

Well that's me.

Re: This is me. Recovering scaredycat.

Posted: October 27th, 2016, 7:09 pm
by brownblob
Welcome to the forum quiet riot.
I'm glad you found the podcast. I know it helps me out. I'm glad the Welbutrin seems to help. I know what a struggle depression can be and how frustrating the search for a med that helps can be. Keep hangin in there.