Posted: April 29th, 2017, 7:52 pm
Hello again!
I've had a couple of accounts on this forum before. I get spooked very easily, especially when talking about myself, and I tend to abandon my own efforts to reach out. There's a pattern to this behavior - I reach out, meet people, feel as though what I'm writing is an embellishment of the truth, become paranoid that nobody is telling the truth, and run away. It's maddening and I'm trying not to do it, but I'm an immensely guarded person. I use humor and storytelling as a way to avoid talking about my own emotional state, and I'm really good at telling myself to tough things out even when those things should not be toughed out.
On that note. As I type this I have a piece of homemade lasagna in the fridge not 10 feet away from me. Have I hauled my lazy, overweight ass to the fridge to eat some dinner? Nah. I'm not exactly glued to my chair - I'm probably going to go out and partake in my marijuana addiction (yes, you can be addicted to the devil's lettuce) after I finish typing this out. I usually justify rolling up another jazz cigarette by saying that it will make me hungry so that I actually eat something. And then I sit down at my computer and proceed as before, only baked. And then I beat myself up for not being able to take care of myself.
Among my gravest struggles, if you haven't noticed, is an inability to take care of myself. I haven't purchased a new pair of glasses in over 8 years; my world is sepia-toned and blurry because my glasses are wholly inadequate prescription-wise and yellowing. My shirts all have holes in them. Apparently my preferred aesthetic as far as clothing goes is "old shit". I own two pairs of pants, two pairs of scrubs, and a pair of shorts that I can't bring myself to wear because I'm really prudish. Oh, and gym pants, which double as swim pants because apparently I'm a Victorian and the thought of exposing my calves gives me a case of the vapors. Hygiene isn't really a problem, but my clothes are hideous and scarce.
That isn't helped by me being a) broke, and b) living in Canada. I think a lot of Americans, particularly of the progressive political persuasion don't realize that Canada isn't America + healthcare. This country is very difficult to live in; costs of living are skyrocketing, jobs are scarce, and our social infrastructure is burdened with decades of neglect. Our public transit is atrocious (and no, being "better than America" doesn't make our transit adequate. I can't afford a car and it takes me forever to get anywhere), our mental health infrastructure is primitive (fun fact - our beloved healthcare system doesn't cover therapy or indeed any mental health needs save psychiatry upon referral. We pay for everything else, including prescriptions), and on top of that people tell me all the time that I should be grateful for being broke, distressed, and unable to get anywhere quickly.
I have experienced chronic body dysmorphia over the years, going from a maximum weight of 300+lbs to a minimum weight of 150. I stand 5'11" tall, for the record. My biological parents are both absolutely bonkers. They split up when I was 5, my father kidnapped me, and I developed mutism which has since resolved. My parents hate each other and used food as an incentive to persuade me of the malice of the other parent. My mother would put me on restrictive diets "to protect me from my father", and my father would encourage me to eat anything and everything because he knew it needled my mother. Later on my father would tease me for being a fatass. Later later on I would become "bigorexic", starving myself and going to the gym daily (sometimes multiple times a day) in a misguided effort to get swole. I am, for the record, not swole.
Mirrors spook the hell out of me. I kind of look past myself when I look at a mirror. When I do look at my face I treat it as though it belongs to someone else. No idea what that's about but I really don't like mirrors. I also dislike photographs (which is unfortunate because my mother loves taking badly-framed, poorly-exposed pictures of family members standing about and gearning), being filmed, and indeed any kind of record of my existence. When I got a minor traffic ticket last year my biggest concern was not having to pay a fine but rather the thought that someone could search my driver's abstract and know where I was on May Day, 2015. Does anyone care where I was on May Day in 2015? Intuitively, I doubt it. Internally, I fear the prospect enough to be spooked.
I have a glib, comic disposition that allows me to dodge conversations about myself. I seem to be pretty good at turning the charm on, so to speak, and I'm really good at talking people into liking me. At my worst I'm caustic, aggressive, and mean like my parents. At my best I can make a room laugh, score mad tips at my serving job with charisma, and stand out in a good way from a crowd. When I'm really firing on all cylinders with the charisma cannon I feel like I'm high. Almost like a coke high but without the visual acuity and sharp focus. I love cocaine. I also love MDMA, acid, and weed. I'm too poor and have too much invested in my own life (going to college, with my girlfriend for five years, adopted a cat) to really get into a solid coke habit but I'm always down for LSD and molly and I've probably smoked more weed by myself than several Pacific Island states.
Despite being prudish I have a massive BDSM fetish. I figured out how to masturbate when I was really young, did some questionable experimentation (read: sucked dicks) in Cub Scouts, was caught holding my breath and jerking it during class in the fourth grade, licked a chair that a girl that I liked sat in when I was twelve, and am deeply ashamed of everything I just wrote. In high school I would slap myself for staring at a girl I liked only to then masturbate and beat myself up even more. If I could go back in time and slap fourth-grade me in the teeth a few times to stop him from misfiring the purple yoghurt cannon I would do it in a heartbeat. Oh, yeah. And all of this happened in a deeply religious school. My mother and stepfather are deeply religious and would probably disown me if they knew of my quirks and kinks. Being forced to perform cunnilingus on a dominant lady by way of her wrestling me down and sitting on my face is probably the hottest thing I can think of. Would Jesus approve? I dunno.
My little brother is currently in a tag-team gaslight scenario of epic proportions. My stepdad coddles the kid, and my mother slams him for being sheltered...only for my stepdad to then step in and protect the kid. I kind of raised my little brother alongside my stepdad because my mother is not good with children and at that point was a major workaholic. What am I saying - she has always been a workaholic. My kid brother is closed-minded, extremely defensive, and lives entirely on the Internet. He's also a huge slob, which enrages my mother and causes my stepdad to step in and clean things that my brother should be cleaning. My poor stepdad has been massively overworked both by my mother's manic stream of projects and my kid brother's complete inability to take care of himself. We are all realistically financially dependent on my mother. I can survive on my own if I eat rice...oh, right. Eating. I mentioned needing to do that several paragraphs ago.
That's not lasagna, Vaporwave. That's a beer. God-dammit. This happens more than I care to admit.
Does any of this crap sound familiar? I hope so, because man do I feel like a weird case. The people interviewed on the podcast either had way more fucked up childhoods than I did or have found help. I want help but when I get help I tend to lie to my therapists because...reasons. Not good reasons, or even reasons that I understand, but there it is. I'm making a conscious effort to be honest here. The goal is to write a script that I can hand to a therapist. Then I'll adapt it into a screenplay. I feel like Paul does when he starts a bit that he can't finish. I think this is the part where I tell myself to go fuck myself.
If any of these sound like something you experience, please talk to me. I'll try to be present and funny. Do you have vaporwave mixes that you like? Send your D A N K A E S T H E T I C to me! This is my current jam.
But yeah! Come talk to me! Please!
I...I blew it, didn't I?
I've had a couple of accounts on this forum before. I get spooked very easily, especially when talking about myself, and I tend to abandon my own efforts to reach out. There's a pattern to this behavior - I reach out, meet people, feel as though what I'm writing is an embellishment of the truth, become paranoid that nobody is telling the truth, and run away. It's maddening and I'm trying not to do it, but I'm an immensely guarded person. I use humor and storytelling as a way to avoid talking about my own emotional state, and I'm really good at telling myself to tough things out even when those things should not be toughed out.
On that note. As I type this I have a piece of homemade lasagna in the fridge not 10 feet away from me. Have I hauled my lazy, overweight ass to the fridge to eat some dinner? Nah. I'm not exactly glued to my chair - I'm probably going to go out and partake in my marijuana addiction (yes, you can be addicted to the devil's lettuce) after I finish typing this out. I usually justify rolling up another jazz cigarette by saying that it will make me hungry so that I actually eat something. And then I sit down at my computer and proceed as before, only baked. And then I beat myself up for not being able to take care of myself.
Among my gravest struggles, if you haven't noticed, is an inability to take care of myself. I haven't purchased a new pair of glasses in over 8 years; my world is sepia-toned and blurry because my glasses are wholly inadequate prescription-wise and yellowing. My shirts all have holes in them. Apparently my preferred aesthetic as far as clothing goes is "old shit". I own two pairs of pants, two pairs of scrubs, and a pair of shorts that I can't bring myself to wear because I'm really prudish. Oh, and gym pants, which double as swim pants because apparently I'm a Victorian and the thought of exposing my calves gives me a case of the vapors. Hygiene isn't really a problem, but my clothes are hideous and scarce.
That isn't helped by me being a) broke, and b) living in Canada. I think a lot of Americans, particularly of the progressive political persuasion don't realize that Canada isn't America + healthcare. This country is very difficult to live in; costs of living are skyrocketing, jobs are scarce, and our social infrastructure is burdened with decades of neglect. Our public transit is atrocious (and no, being "better than America" doesn't make our transit adequate. I can't afford a car and it takes me forever to get anywhere), our mental health infrastructure is primitive (fun fact - our beloved healthcare system doesn't cover therapy or indeed any mental health needs save psychiatry upon referral. We pay for everything else, including prescriptions), and on top of that people tell me all the time that I should be grateful for being broke, distressed, and unable to get anywhere quickly.
I have experienced chronic body dysmorphia over the years, going from a maximum weight of 300+lbs to a minimum weight of 150. I stand 5'11" tall, for the record. My biological parents are both absolutely bonkers. They split up when I was 5, my father kidnapped me, and I developed mutism which has since resolved. My parents hate each other and used food as an incentive to persuade me of the malice of the other parent. My mother would put me on restrictive diets "to protect me from my father", and my father would encourage me to eat anything and everything because he knew it needled my mother. Later on my father would tease me for being a fatass. Later later on I would become "bigorexic", starving myself and going to the gym daily (sometimes multiple times a day) in a misguided effort to get swole. I am, for the record, not swole.
Mirrors spook the hell out of me. I kind of look past myself when I look at a mirror. When I do look at my face I treat it as though it belongs to someone else. No idea what that's about but I really don't like mirrors. I also dislike photographs (which is unfortunate because my mother loves taking badly-framed, poorly-exposed pictures of family members standing about and gearning), being filmed, and indeed any kind of record of my existence. When I got a minor traffic ticket last year my biggest concern was not having to pay a fine but rather the thought that someone could search my driver's abstract and know where I was on May Day, 2015. Does anyone care where I was on May Day in 2015? Intuitively, I doubt it. Internally, I fear the prospect enough to be spooked.
I have a glib, comic disposition that allows me to dodge conversations about myself. I seem to be pretty good at turning the charm on, so to speak, and I'm really good at talking people into liking me. At my worst I'm caustic, aggressive, and mean like my parents. At my best I can make a room laugh, score mad tips at my serving job with charisma, and stand out in a good way from a crowd. When I'm really firing on all cylinders with the charisma cannon I feel like I'm high. Almost like a coke high but without the visual acuity and sharp focus. I love cocaine. I also love MDMA, acid, and weed. I'm too poor and have too much invested in my own life (going to college, with my girlfriend for five years, adopted a cat) to really get into a solid coke habit but I'm always down for LSD and molly and I've probably smoked more weed by myself than several Pacific Island states.
Despite being prudish I have a massive BDSM fetish. I figured out how to masturbate when I was really young, did some questionable experimentation (read: sucked dicks) in Cub Scouts, was caught holding my breath and jerking it during class in the fourth grade, licked a chair that a girl that I liked sat in when I was twelve, and am deeply ashamed of everything I just wrote. In high school I would slap myself for staring at a girl I liked only to then masturbate and beat myself up even more. If I could go back in time and slap fourth-grade me in the teeth a few times to stop him from misfiring the purple yoghurt cannon I would do it in a heartbeat. Oh, yeah. And all of this happened in a deeply religious school. My mother and stepfather are deeply religious and would probably disown me if they knew of my quirks and kinks. Being forced to perform cunnilingus on a dominant lady by way of her wrestling me down and sitting on my face is probably the hottest thing I can think of. Would Jesus approve? I dunno.
My little brother is currently in a tag-team gaslight scenario of epic proportions. My stepdad coddles the kid, and my mother slams him for being sheltered...only for my stepdad to then step in and protect the kid. I kind of raised my little brother alongside my stepdad because my mother is not good with children and at that point was a major workaholic. What am I saying - she has always been a workaholic. My kid brother is closed-minded, extremely defensive, and lives entirely on the Internet. He's also a huge slob, which enrages my mother and causes my stepdad to step in and clean things that my brother should be cleaning. My poor stepdad has been massively overworked both by my mother's manic stream of projects and my kid brother's complete inability to take care of himself. We are all realistically financially dependent on my mother. I can survive on my own if I eat rice...oh, right. Eating. I mentioned needing to do that several paragraphs ago.
That's not lasagna, Vaporwave. That's a beer. God-dammit. This happens more than I care to admit.
Does any of this crap sound familiar? I hope so, because man do I feel like a weird case. The people interviewed on the podcast either had way more fucked up childhoods than I did or have found help. I want help but when I get help I tend to lie to my therapists because...reasons. Not good reasons, or even reasons that I understand, but there it is. I'm making a conscious effort to be honest here. The goal is to write a script that I can hand to a therapist. Then I'll adapt it into a screenplay. I feel like Paul does when he starts a bit that he can't finish. I think this is the part where I tell myself to go fuck myself.
If any of these sound like something you experience, please talk to me. I'll try to be present and funny. Do you have vaporwave mixes that you like? Send your D A N K A E S T H E T I C to me! This is my current jam.
But yeah! Come talk to me! Please!
I...I blew it, didn't I?