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Start something !! Anything !!!

Posted: December 31st, 2015, 11:27 pm
Hello all. First I like to say is this place is quiet, so I do not know what to start but like to say this, I'm just a nobody, I'm just a number, that is sick of being mentally ill. As with mentally ill we have no voice, so I have this idea for start a society for people with the same illness as me, lets call it ( BAD PRODUCt society ) ( I dream of a society that is united & powerful of voice that can be hear a mile far, sunny and grace of member that is equal & operated by ALL ) YOURS TRULY BAD PRODUCt. So I urge you to do things !! any thing !!! Start your own society, in your own town. LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD !!! Notes ( Rome was not build in a day but it was builted yesterday. If we need A Rome tomorrow It NEEDS to be start building it TODAY !!! ) I have never seen a powerful mentally ill Rome, & neither have you. Divide in future and we will be conquered.

Re: Start something !! Anything !!!

Posted: January 1st, 2016, 12:17 am
Ideas of how to start. 1 meet like minded people in say, barns & noble, star bucks, parks or parking lots. We all in some kind of jail. I have saw a movie about jail break out, he spoon dig the wall, one spoon of dirt a day, and at the end a tunnel that is enough to escape the jail, very inspiring story. like we have better things to do, I know we can all spoon dig the wall