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I'm so tired of....

Posted: July 5th, 2016, 9:47 pm
by inmymind
Warning. I need to vent off some steam:

1. Narcissistic Selfies.
2. People who don't care about others.
3. New Ages bitches who think they are all loving and Zen-like, but are really just fucked up, narcissistic bitches, but they are too much into their "cult" to be selfware
4. Political corruption.
5. feeling like I have a permanent attitude akin to the 80's hit by Howard Jones: "What is love, anyway. Does anybody love anybody anyway?"
6. seeing so many broken people.
7. being broken and attracting the broken.
8. only billing 15 hours a fucking week (need more work)
9. my wife bitching at me.
10. Ungrateful wife.
11. People always wanting shit from me, but never considering my position.
12. Corporation using our photos and data to make themselves rich.
13. morally lacking society
14. Bat-shit crazy people who can't think straight enough to save their own souls
15. People pushing their lifestyles on the rest of society.
16. Political Correctness
17. Fucked up religious idiots
18. People bitching about things on TV and never doing anything about it.
19. People bitching about things on social media (including myself) and not doing anything about it.
20. People who speak, but say nothing of value, and in fact, are not descriptive enough for you to remotely know what the fuck they are talking about, then getting mad when you don't understand them. To me, it just sounds like a bunch of useless noise emanating from their pie-holes. Think before you talk. Understand it is up to you to paint the fucking picture in my head of what you are talking about, because I am not privy to the fucking neurotransmissions inside your fucking head.

I'm not looking for someone to "fix" me, so please don't try. I just needed to vent.

Thanks for reading.

I'll stop for now.

Re: I'm so tired of....

Posted: July 6th, 2016, 9:22 am
by Imissmysun
Dude your fine, and I will put my screaming inner codependent in the back seat -

Just wanted to say hi - I read your vent - I offer no glue or paste just commraderie in a few of your vents...

I feel some of my hopelessness is macro related - I see just how messed up the little area I live is - then I think of all the news outlets reporting all the messed up little areas they have and it makes my brain hurt - then I get even more overwhelmed and less able to have any real solutions -

So vent away - I hope it got a little bit of the pressure you are feeling away - if it helps then go for it -

oh and like one selfie just to be like this is me I am a person thats cool - 800 selfies in one day is stupid and it makes me angry that this is what people spend their time on - gah totally agree