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Re: Hello and Hi!!

Post by manuel_moe_g »

algernon wrote:endless grinds of hopeless solitude and constant road-born hostilities where everyone is a stranger and the return home is held in the hand of a callous dispatcher (essentially another stranger!)
Please post more, algernon, miss you when you are "away" from the forum! :D :D 8-)
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Re: Hello and Hi!!

Post by algernon »

Thank you for the steady spirit and fellowship, Manny!!

New discoveries for me.......

My G F has gotten a copy of the documentary, "Forks over Knives" which I have a keen interest in seeing. It's a film making the case for an Asian based diet that I think is essentially vegen and how classic high incident American diseases can be stemmed and even reversed by changing to plant based eating habits.
A long familiar argument certainly, but one I've not really considered for myself. I simply want to see it because as a 2011 release it's fairly new and I'm getting fairly old (and looking to get older) with an interest in reducing future health problems.


Well, a bit on the nutrition bandwagon now, I'm talking to my ninety year old best friend Walter about prostate issues which he has had plenty and I'm running google for ideas and I came up with certain herbs said to be ideal for prostate health. And one is rosemary tea. This caught me instantly because I have a few herbs growing and rosemary is one......so I cut three sprigs and made a pint of tea from it......and presently the FOURTH 16oz container of rosemary tea is made from those same three sprigs since yesterday (Sunday) and I'll run another cup tomorrow to see how much yield I can get.

I've been a coffee and tea drinker all my life but only in recent years have I tried the various kinds of tea now seen everywhere (thanks to my girlfriend's interest also).....and I tell you this rosemary tea from my own grown is pleasant as any just straight into boiling water. Prostate and other health effects are the promise and as simple as this little tale is, I'm smiling about the discovery here in my own home.

Surely diet has much to do with mental well being........I love comfort food as much as anyone I suppose but there's a calling now to ease up on running to it. Stress and temptation for a jumbo hamburger with raw onion and catsup/ketchup seem the perfect storm of wayward diets, ravishing as I swallow and then it's gone......into the cardio-vascular abyss. Well.....a jumbo hamburger (no cheese) is not that bad ONCE in a while......but how often is that? My mind is the emotionally imbibed yardstick here.....

My mother has been put on Cymbalta starting last week, in the nursing home. I had a nice visit with her on Saturday when I brought her a Dunkin Donuts medium Coffee Coolata @ 650 calories I think, and a serving of my home-made hummus. Man, did she love that!

I'm missing my girlfriend hoping that we can share the new weekend ahead. Cold here in NJ tonight......predicted to hit 28 degrees as a low.....first freeze since who knows when......enough to get my plants sheltered and the water taps outside wrapped against the freeze. WIth no real winter this year, it's kinda nice for one night.....it's so desolate here in the winter......

I read a few new posts in here earlier.......people working out their needs with compassion and candor for all present. I've been in many forums over the Internet years but this one is sublime most of all.
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Re: Hello and Hi!!

Post by algernon »


Funny that exclamation about Friday.......as if hell is all there is until Friday's liberty.......is it curious that modern American life has this entrenched mindset? And that those without jobs would LOVE to have a Monday to Friday work commitment.......

Longing creatures we be......is this the natural state of human life?

I've read some of the new posts and thought that many people do have strength and intelligence to act self-helping.......even if that means asking others for the help needed........

Presently I have dreary decisions soon to make......and that reality is shared by most if not all in here, which makes it easier for me when I realize it.

A pensive and unsettled today for me.....what was/is good about it = I went into motion and did a few darn good things. I made good food and did yard work.....made some very useful phone calls and held my ADLs (activities of daily living) as a priority......

A good neighbor of mine who is an AA person that I like to talk with.......he has this "up" statement........"pace yourself".......I like that very much.

It is a great encouragement that these days I have answers when the load of life is real heavy.......

Please pace yourselves.....and I'll write that on a sticky note and post it on my desk as a coaching statement!
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Re: Hello and Hi!!

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Algernon wrote:Please pace yourselves.....and I'll write that on a sticky note and post it on my desk as a coaching statement!
Always great to hear from you, Algernon. Man, I have a hard time with the gap between "pace yourself" and "indulge yourself" :oops: :? :o :shock: :roll:

My birthday is tomorrow, I hope to be in a mindset of creation, with a healthy relationship with failure not born of anxiety leading to breakdown.

All the best, don't ever be a stranger! :D
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Re: Hello and Hi!!

Post by algernon »

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANNY!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANNY!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY MANNY!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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Re: Hello and Hi!!

Post by algernon »

Got Guilt?

Today(Friday the 13th) after receiving a smug, don't-waste-my-time-with-your-questions-why-and-just-sign-the-form-for-the-file-that-we-neglected-to-collect-from-you-fifteen-years-ago admonishment from the magnificent jerkoff that keeps the books for our over-worked/under-maintained company, this after I just returned from an hour shuttling a truck to a repair facility as an UNPAID FAVOR for the company's owner......I had a few choice yet civil words for this long time rude manager in return.....to this he responded with his repeated barks, "get out!!" as I stood in the door of his office.....with heated but still civil words I turned and stepped away to leave pissed when I heard his last word, "asshole" and I answered, "FUCK YOU!"....and then, "CUNT!".....and then I left.

Outside I immediately phoned the company owner and told him about the incident (including the specific profanity), declaring an absolute refusal to be addressed ever again in the manner that I received from his asshole bookkeeper which has been his habit for years as commonly discussed by everyone in the company. I told the owner I would resign if it happened again and that I decided that I wasn't coming back to work until my truck was repaired, my truck that I shuttled for NO PAY in the above reference, because after three fucking weeks of the truck just sitting I wasn't interested in further accommodating the repair neglect while I was assigned whatever spare truck was available for days on the road.....a practice called, "slip-seating" that absolutely sucks. I was making a statement and a stand with that blunt declaration. I was on a long tirade in that phonecall citing many examples of my abuse saturation, more than once thinking that he may lash back but he never did, and had he I was ready to walk.....but he never did. In fact he agreed to my demand for the repair and return of my truck excusing me from work until then, which is a relief for me because as I've stated in an earlier post, I'm looking to make a job change, and the time off will aid in that......

I was also accommodated in that any administrative matter such as health care, time off, paycheck errors (and that there are many!) etc., I should speak to him and avoid the bookkeeper.....the asshole bookkeeper if I can adjective him......

In my phone tirade more than once, I told my employer that I wanted to apologize to the woman that was present in the office for the three harsh words that I spoke in anger......or at least have him apologize for me.....I had never met or saw this woman before and that was really the only regret that I had in my behavior, to have a woman witness what she cannot know was a long time coming to the bookkeeping jerkoff......

As you all know events like this run over and over in the mind and can become fatiguing.....I have reviewed it at length repeatedly and have had the great benefit of my girlfriend's discussion on the matter, in which she thought it poor that I chose the "C" word, but endorsed my stand enthusiastically on all else......as for me?

.....I respect my employer, criticize him, admire him as the hardest working fuck I've ever seen, a guy that absorbs problems that would make me shudder and shake to consider......a guy that creates more of his own problems than he realizes, as many people do......the fact that he endorsed my conviction gave me the win.......and the guilt for what I did say or didn't......it's not too bad at all.
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Re: Hello and Hi!!

Post by manuel_moe_g »

So glad you are posting regularly in the forum. Always interested in what you have to share, Algernon.

Bleh, I think about what Dennis Prager and Adam Carolla say: if you are not demonstrating happiness, then you are being a jerk to everyone around you - and if you have a sour puss on, then you are definitely being a selfish jerk. This accounting manager sounds like a selfish jerk, who has been a perfectly selfish jerk for years.

(And I have been a selfish jerk at my work. I may feel justified afterwards by a co-worker's bad behavior, but the fact remains that I constantly passed up the opportunity to be the better person, the gracious person, the giving person.)

I wish I could buy you a beer, Algernon, you deserve it. You did right by your company and you got petty snipping from this accounting manager in return - you accommodated and accommodated (above and beyond) and you deserved to be treated better.

Your response sounds proportionate.

Please take care, all the best, we here are all cheering for you, thanks for making this forum a brighter place! :D
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Re: Hello and Hi!!

Post by algernon »


A post from you is worth far more than any beer.....so thank you!!

I had a great day off.....and again tomorrow.....though I didn't work on my resume, I did work on my clutter and hoarding (mental illness) issue today. I gathered up all the recyclable scrap I had on the premises and took it to the junk yard and received $144.00!! Now I know why guys drive around looking for curbside "gold" on garbage days (the night before).....then I got back home and after a late lunch and a nap, I worked in the yard with more clutter and hoarding curatives in mind.....I'm consolidating 8 foot 4x4 boards and a set of iron table legs into a potting bench which will serve my gardening activities and eliminate those boards and legs from endless storage......the homestead work continues tomorrow with a cooler day than today promised......

Referring to my current Friday the 13th (I'm not superstitious tho I usually cite the day for theatrical purposes) drama.....after all these years of my friendly, accommodating interface efforts with the bookkeeper....that shit is done. Done! I'll adjust to the owner's instructions to avoid the fuck and proceed with rational thinking on the subject......one thing, Manny.....and I wonder if this thought I'm about to state can be closely considered by those that might read it.......

All this work I've done trying to improve my mental health, reading, listening, note taking, journaling, discussion......all these things but to date no professional therapy or counseling and no meds.....all these things have given me real answers to life's persistent problems....and I think the key is not just to learn what works but working what you learned.....developing the habit of using the answers, which includes assessing the events and how we deal with the events using the tools we've learned.......because......

....I'm SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER than I was dealing with this kind of shit now. I wish all people in the forum would consider how and how much those things they've learned concerning mental health improvement has helped them. Please my fellow forum goombas.....surely you're better than you were for the power of what you learned, no?
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Re: Hello and Hi!!

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Hello Algernon,
Algernon wrote:I did work on my clutter and hoarding (mental illness) issue today. I gathered up all the recyclable scrap I had on the premises and took it to the junk yard and received $144.00!!
An inspiration for all us hoarders! :oops: :o :shock: :? :lol: 8-) :D
All this work I've done trying to improve my mental health, reading, listening, note taking, journaling, discussion......all these things but to date no professional therapy or counseling and no meds.....all these things have given me real answers to life's persistent problems....
Yeah, daily work pays dividends. I have to remind myself, because of my blank-or-white thinking that just because I have problems and just because I have goals that are quite distant, that doesn't mean the daily work isn't worth it. I am trying to get to that place where I see the daily work as its own reward.

All the best, Algernon.
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Re: Hello and Hi!!

Post by algernon »


YOCK SHEMOSH!?? (phonetic Polish = "how are you?")

Well, more clutter and hoarding reduction in the algernon hacienda.....I took six 4"x4"x8' boards in endless storage and added four iron table legs from a long ago, "yeah, I'll take them!" friend's offer also in endless storage and constructed a potting table for the garden work here. Rough construction means screw the weather exposure and let's use it to make the garden go........

I've been neglecting my meditation practice. Mindfulness practice has also been neglected lately but not completely. I had a surprise visitor today, a drinking friend who I really don't miss at all, I suppose because I don't drink anymore. His overbearing style, bull in a china shop manner hasn't changed and it was good when he left. After he did, I began mindfulness to obliterate the memory of his irksome words.......and how nicely it worked!

Practice practice practice..........and then hold that habit in place..........

Perspective socially, my old drinking buddy is passively left aside as history.......I hadn't seen him in at least 18 months and he's not going to show up again anytime soon. I see no reason to make to him a resentment provoking statement of my preference as mere time will do the work for me.......I have no interest in fast cars or beer/booze slugging. At my age the interests are elsewhere.......like how and why I think the way I do and how to solve problems and find peace and people worth loving. It's a great stage of my life to arrive at this realization.....and still lots of work to do!

So Manny......has what you learned being practiced? I wonder that question.......OLA!!! :D
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