Trying to make contact...

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Trying to make contact...

Post by Mazey »

Hi, I am a F/42. Struggling with depression for entire life, even childhood. On Prozac for several years but it's not working anymore. Haven't been to therapy for about 6 years, but desperately needing help. I found the podcast about a week ago and I have listened to many episodes. It does make me feel comforted that at least here, I don't feel so alone.

This is not a joke, but I find it amusing: I finally took a step to find a new therapist by calling the assistance program run by the hospital where I work. They insist that they are there 24/7 to help employees who are having personal issues. So I give the hotline a call. After the first three rings, I consider hanging up, but instead I hang in there. For twenty three rings, then it sounds like someone picked up, but no one answers my ,"Hello??" Thats it. I choose to accept it as a rejection. Then I called a restaurant for a take out burrito. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow.
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Joined: July 10th, 2012, 6:47 am
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Issues: Bipolar, depression, general all around ick
preferred pronoun: That

Re: Trying to make contact...

Post by meh »

Hi Mazzy.... Yes, it's OK to find that funny. If I don't make myself crack up over some sick twisted joke about my bipolar disorder, it's a wasted day.

And good for you on the burrito. You probably got more comfort from that than from the 24/7 line.
"Of course you have an active inner life, you're bipolar"
my therapist.
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Re: Trying to make contact...

Post by celticfan32 »

I would like to be a contact for you. I am 37 with Bipolar Disorder. I can't afford a therapist so I try other things to help or try to find other people like myself to talk things through. This is actually my first time trying to find others to talk to. I just found this site and podcasts today. How are you doing ?
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