Borderline Personality Disorder

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Re: Borderline Personality Disorder

Post by ouchouch »

A few troubling things I found from a simple google search:

1- This isn't her first online controversy: ... ld_ha.html
2- She's working on a book on "psychology of the paranormal": ... ref=stream
3- She's a member of a "ghost tracking" group:
3- She's a life coach who gives minimal information about her educational background. She does Skype sessions for $50, but doesn't appear to have an office:

I'm not trying to be mean or pile on, but these all seem to be pretty big red flags that probably should have been seen before giving her a platform to spread what seems to be VERY suspect information about BPD. On the "advice goddess" controversy, I understand that we all act like jerks on the Internet sometimes. However, if I was aware that she was working on a book on "psychology of the paranormal" and was a ghost tracker, I would have completely disregarded anything she had to say. Her personal website, lack of office or detailed educational background are all very big warning flags in my mind as well. I understand Paul does the show out of the goodness of his heart and god love him for that, but there are certain responsibilities that go alongside tackling anything as serious as mental illness. Even in a lighter, waiting room setting, there is a responsibility to avoid doing harm. This is particularly true if the guest is presented as an expert on a topic. I'm very glad the episode has been taken down. I love the show and hope this kind of thing will be avoided in the future.
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Re: Borderline Personality Disorder

Post by fifthsonata »

Perhaps she's investigating the psychology behind people who believe in paranormal activity.

Just because someone believes in ghosts shouldn't discredit their ability to help someone. Jerks can make great teachers, people who've been labeled "crazy" make great artists and why can't a doctor believe in ghosts? However, most counselors don't make their personal beliefs as visible - the only other one I've known to do that is "Dr." Phil."

I do believe educational and experiential training should be transparent for all mental health professionals, however.

Anyway, perhaps we can recommend someone else for Paul to interview on the subject? I suspect Paul will dwell on the episode, it's mistakes, and completely blame himself more harshly than some of the reactions in this thread.
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Re: Borderline Personality Disorder

Post by howyoudoin? »

I was listening to the podcast in my car on Friday and got through about half of it before I reached my destination. Having listened to a bunch of these pocasts over the past few weeks, I've appreciated the discussions with relative "laypeople" such as police officers, commedians, and hookers talking about their struggles and encounters with mental issues. It's refrehing to hear the issues framed in relative simple terms.

Likewise, I didn't think take the interviewee any more seriously than most of the other interviewees because I hear her say she is not licnsed. I wanted to hear the rest of this podcast and went to Itunes on Saturday and it was gone.

What a dissapointment that it was taken down because of "fuzzy terminology" take them all down. Such a dissappointmnet that Paul was browbeaten by a few people. I confess I never heard his standup, but how does he handle hecklers?

Anyway, for me, the part of the interview that I was allowed to listen to, I found it eye opening to hear things that have been going on in my head all of my life given a charracterization. I wanted to hear it again and hear the rest of it.

Obviously, the person being interviewed might not have the highest professional credentials. She said it. Was she annoying? I really don't remember. But I guess I won't get to develop that opinion.
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Re: Borderline Personality Disorder

Post by girlonthe3rdfloor »

Hello every one again ..

For two years Paul have given us so many countless, wonderful hours of honesty .. countless amount of his time & commitment .. countless hours of reading other people's letters about their heart felt struggle in life ..and every time he offered all of us ..Love, hugs, validation, and support .. and ONLY ONCE he air an episode that was not misleading or degrading but only not "good enough" and every one keep writing to complain how disappointed they are!!! Why ??? This is a FREE podcast who's weight is 100% on the shoulder of a guy who's over and over says "I am not a professional" yet have done far more then any professional in the field of mental health .. and we still nag that we "didn't like it". When was the last time that any of us remember we got 5 min of any one's time for free, or a medicine or a book or a visit from some one for free ???????

This is about the community we have built together to help us and help others to understand our hard life, and lets not forget on top of all the issues that Paul need to deal with HE ALSO SUFFER FROM DEPRESSION ..and perhaps is super sensitive to anything that he might feel he is responsible for (which he isn't- he is doing this on his own with so little help- and he thanks every one 1000 time a day for "their" help) ..and yet we are just waiting to bash and burn any one who extend their hand .. trying to get the attention of most people who DON'T CARE ..or don't want to have any contributions .. and we still keep complaining how disappointed we are .. I just want to know WHERE DOES THIS ENTITLEMENT COMING FROM. I use this podcast as a support system to people who need it .. and trust me if there was enough fund available .. we could probably pay for ALL kind of great guest to come to the show .. you don't think Paul would have invited them .. if we had the fund ??????? I am just disappointed that we LOVE to bite the hand that actually feed us. (sorry for any typo .. I just wanted to vent .. and share my thought) thanks every one for participating .. much love- Nadereh!
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Re: Borderline Personality Disorder

Post by Jamous »

I'm grateful to Paul for doing this podcast in the first place. I actually feel that a lot of what HE had to say could be informative to many who are unaware/ill-informed regarding this disorder. I personally do not hold Paul accountable for the way the episode went. The feelings I expressed were simply that- MY feelings. I'm appreciative of the fact that I have a place where I can candidly talk about my thoughts & opinions, which I realize will sometimes be validated, and other times not. Thanks Paul, for everything you do. Thanks to those who make this forum a comfortable place to openly express what's going on inside this head of mine.
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Re: Borderline Personality Disorder

Post by next year »

Wow I haven't been on the Forum in so long I forgot my username. :? Anyway I just listened to this episode today and was flipping out by the middle of it (when she said that everyone who cuts has BPD). I was feeling like something was off with the interview and that clinched it for me. Then I looked on the twitter feed and saw that Paul had taken it down. I'm actually glad it was taken down - I listened to the whole thing and it was more confusing than anything. I tried to find info on the Dr on the web and her web page doesn't state much about her experience or qualifications. Odd.
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Re: Borderline Personality Disorder

Post by howyoudoin? »

Thanks again to Paul for briefly putting this podcast up there. Whatever the guests credentials are/were, this introduced me to the topic and I had a good conversation with my therapist about it. I'm still not sure why it was taken down.
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Re: Borderline Personality Disorder

Post by sdjustinr »

This guest seemed unprepared and much less knowledgeable than one would expect from an expert on BPD. As someone who can identify with that disorder I actually walked away from this one feeling kind of hopeless. I understand why it was taken down.

Whoever mentioned Marsha Linehan was spot on. I saw one of her videos on DBT during a school group therapy session last year. The woman has a great sense of humor.
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