Homeopathic Meds as an Alternative to Western Meds

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Re: Homeopathic Meds as an Alternative to Western Meds

Post by AlmostWell »

It could be that your anxiety was a bounce back effect of coming off medication - when you quit a med, the symptoms can initially come back extremely strong, but taper off.

Have you considered that maybe it isn't supplements at all, but you have just learned to cope without meds? There is some proof that supplements work, but almost none of them have been studied. I looked up Sam-e 400. I am pretty knowledgeable about biology, and I cannot think of any reason why something would be good for mood, liver, and joints. Mood and liver maybe, but putting in joints is strange. Often times they will say, "Improves A,B,C,D,E,F, and G." People will think, "Oh I need help with F!" then when people naturally feel better, they think, "Oh my F feels better." But the supplement did nothing for A,B,C,D,E or G. And probably not for F either.

PS Weary...well said brotha or sista...homeopathy can suck it - bunch of misery mongering crooks. They are the worst of the worst leeches.
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Re: Homeopathic Meds as an Alternative to Western Meds

Post by serious_oregon »

Hello, responders.

First, I'll be honest to some of your responses. That's why I come here. For honesty. Having you say "homeopathy can suck it" is a little hurtful for somebody who is being, or feels they are being, helped by it. I have not been on medication on a long-term basis for over 3 years ( No SSRIs). The specialist I was going to at the Oregon Health & Science University is actually the one who recommended I try the SAM-e. I'm in my early 40s and have been having hormonal imbalance issues for the last couple of years along with minor depression, and as of this last year, anxiety. After trying different hormone treatments, I found that, like pharmaceuticals for anxiety and depression, I had nothing but adverse affects and could no longer use them. It was my Dr. who suggested I try the SAM-e after she had read and researched some journal entries about it. I studied it before taking it as well because I didn't want to be putting yet another thing in my body that was going to cause me bad reactions. Seeing that stomach cramps were about the only side effect, I felt I had nothing to lose. You may say that all supplements, homeopathic remedies, etc. do not work, but I find that to be like saying you hate something, but have never tried it. Maybe they are all bullshit. Maybe it is totally a placebo or sugar pills, but it's working for me. I have not had the relief from bouts of crying or mental clarity in a long while. After almost a month now on this supplement, I can really feel the difference in my mood and thinking process. The SAM-e hasn't cured me, but I do feel better and more articulate. If I am fooling myself by saying it just happens to be the SAM-e, well good on me. It isn't like I go into taking medications or supplements thinking, "OK. Now I will feel great and all these problems will magically disappear." No, I'm skeptical, too. But as someone who cannot take meds, it is the only alternative I fell I have left. I am really happy that there are medications out there that people can take to be relieved of the terror of anxiety, depression, OCD, PTSD, etc. If these work for others, I am really glad that it helps in their personal suffering.

I just started this thread looking to see if anyone else had tried alternative medicine and to have a conversation about it. Like how Nevina said she was currently trying something and gave me her insight to how she thought it was working or not. I understand if you hate alternate medicine and think it is a sham; that is completely your opinion and I respect that. I would just appreciate a kinder way of expressing you feelings. Had you said "I don't believe in homeopathy. It's not for me. The science behind it just doesn't add up" instead of "homeopathy can suck it" would be a lot easier to read and process. Otherwise I feel like I am being judged and even a little stupid; which I definitely do not need.

Thanks for understanding.
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Re: Homeopathic Meds as an Alternative to Western Meds

Post by AlmostWell »

No no no no. You misunderstand. First off, I am no fan of psychiatric medications. They do not work as often as they work, and have terrible side effects. I am VERY happy for you, and grateful to your doctor for suggesting an alternative route. I am not judging you at all, just cautioning you.

Sam E is a supplement. It is not homeopathic.

Supplements and alternative medicines actually have things in them that can help - herbs, natural and synthetic chemical, etc. And if SamE works for you, then by all means, stay on it. Often, however, supplements just make broad claims, none of which has been validated. They want to sell their product, and do not have to prove their claims like pharmaceutical companies do. This does not mean supplements do nothing...just often times not what they say they are doing.

Homeopathic medicines are in a completely separate category from supplements and alternative medicine. Homeopathic medicines are literally water and sugar pills. Homeopathy is based on the idea that water "remembers" a substance it came in contact with in a lab, but no other substances it has met before that. The water is then further diluted in more water. Homeopathy claims the "vibrations" of the particle remain and are medicinal. Simply put, homeopathy, if true, would be against every law of physics and chemistry ever proven by science. The people who sell them and manufacture them are perpetuating a hoax on people who are suffering. They are no better than abusers and hucksters who take advantage of people in a weaker state - like those Nigerian emails, or the psychosurgery people who charged thousands for a parlor illusion. People have proven this time and time again. My anger is at the people who take advantage of others, not those who get taken advantage of.

You are taking a supplement, not a homeopathic medicine. Many people overlap the two in the broad category of "alternative medicine." But they cannot be any different. Alternative medicine is not a sham at all. A lot of supplements work, and work well. And it seems your experience proves it. Homeopathic medicine is a sham - absolutely. Here is someone else, a specialist in alternative medicine, explaining it too: http://voices.yahoo.com/homeopathy-vs-h ... 29907.html

Check out this link explaining homeopathy in which the speaker takes a so called "overdose" : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0Z7KeNCi7g
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Re: Homeopathic Meds as an Alternative to Western Meds

Post by shanarchy »


Since my doctor doesn't want to prescribe any anti-anxiety meds, I use a couple of homeopathic remedies I found at Walmart and CVS:

1. Homeopathic Fear & Anxiety Formula from Botanic Health which has Aconite, Silver nitrate, Yellow jasmine, Henbane, Ignatius bean, Clubmoss, and Phosophorus.
This one makes me a bit dizzy.
2. Rescue Pastilles Natural Stress Relief from Bach which has Helianthemum nummularium, Clematis vitalba, Impatiens glandulifera, Prunus cerasifera, and Ornithogalum umbellatum.
This one taste like candy and look like gum drops.

Even though the ingredients sound very scientific, I really don't feel too much difference in reducing my stress or anxiety while using them. The little a feel I suppose is due to a placebo effect.

Also, years ago, I used St. John's Wort and Kava Kava, but I don't think they worked too well, either.

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Re: Homeopathic Meds as an Alternative to Western Meds

Post by Nevina »

I have a semi-update on my Phenibut experience. Overall, I'm not sure. I've tried a few different doses and times. Sometimes it does have a calming effect, but not as strong as the Neurontin (no, I'm not mixing the two at all). And it doesn't seem to help with social anxiety like the Neurontin did. I think it might be helping me getting better quality sleep, but I'm not positive. At this point I'm thinking I should just stick with the Neurontin instead, but I'll give it a few more trial runs in the meantime. I don't get a "hangover" from the Phenibut like I saw some people reporting online, but it does make my shoulder and neck muscles very tight. Imitrex (for migraines) does the same to me, bad enough that I just can't take it.

On homeopathy, I was surprised that my veterinarian suggested Bach's Rescue Remedy for one of my cats who has a bit of PTSD from nearly dying of a liver infection a year ago, and then the other cats all rejected her and started attacking her after she got better. Now she's terrified of all of them and we have to keep her separated. It's so sad, because we adopted her just a couple of weeks before she got sick, and she had integrated into our cat community just fine before she got sick. She was so easy going around the others. It kills me. Anyway, I was surprised at the vet's recommendation. It didn't work for us, but I did read tons of glowing reviews online of it used for cats. I think she's SO anxious and terrified that she'd need Kitty Ativan or something - but if we can keep her feeling safe and happy just by keeping her separate, I'd rather not drug her up.
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Re: Homeopathic Meds as an Alternative to Western Meds

Post by shanarchy »


I'm so sorry about your cat. I hope she gets better soon. I have one cat that used to get along with the others, until I got her spayed. She then attacked all the others and made them run away. She just turned 8 y.o. this past month and, although she gets along with the 3 dogs, I can't have any new kitties with her around. She's the queen of the house.

About the meds, at first, I found it funny and surprising that your vet recommended the same remedy I take. Then, I remembered my vet recommended anti-depressant or anti-anxiety meds for my dog when she had a type of sore on her paw which didn't heal. The vet said it was from anxiety and since I was taking Buspar at the time, I started giving some to her in teeny tiny doses. Can you believe her paw healed?! It did! Then, I stopped giving her the med and a few months later, the sore came back, but I didn't want to give those meds again. Instead, I bought her some anti-stress remedies for dogs at Walgreens which don't work as well, but her paw is looking better.

Hey, if you have a pic of your cat, I would love to see it!

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Re: Homeopathic Meds as an Alternative to Western Meds

Post by Nevina »

Shanarchy -

Ha! So many thoughts!

They actually make a certain formulation of Bach's specifically for pets! I didn't know that until the vet recommended it. I once had a cat who was so scared of being in her carrier that we had to cover the wire mesh door with duct tape and an old sweatshirt so she wouldn't break off her teeth and claws trying to get out. When I was moving cross-country the vet recommended Kava Kava for her. Yeah..that did nothing. We did end up putting her on a sedating medication for the duration of the trip.

Another of my cats had a spastic bladder condition seven years ago that was making him try to pee every few minutes; it was very stressful on him and there was blood in his urine from all the straining. My vet put him on a tricyclic antidepressant! It has anti-spastic effect in cats. It also made him much more calm and sedate in general - it permanently changed his personality even after he stopped the medication. Maybe it would have changed as he got older anyhow, but it was kind of sad. But it helped MY anxiety because he was constantly getting himself into dangerous and destructive situations.

I had a cat who used to lick his belly until the fur was gone. The vet said it was anxiety. It wasn't bad enough that he needed medication. Later in life he was diagnosed with IBD, so I wonder if he was actually responding to intestinal pain instead of anxiety. However, one of my current cats will occasionally lick the same spot on his arm until the fur is gone and he gets sores. I'm pretty sure that IS anxiety. It seems to get better if we pay some special attention to him for a while.

Ok I attached a photo of my kitty who had the liver infection. If it works. :)
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Re: Homeopathic Meds as an Alternative to Western Meds

Post by shanarchy »

Oh wow Nevina, she's beautiful!! I love her colors! She's so furry! :romance-heartsfade:

I liked your cat stories, I can relate. I joke around that my dogs' anxiety is learnt from me (English is my second language so bear with me if it isn't written correctly :) ).

I've had so many pets throughout my life that I've lost count! There are so many memories, so many tales and tales!

Thanks for sharing!

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Re: Homeopathic Meds as an Alternative to Western Meds

Post by ScottMentalPod »

I take Fish Oil, & B12. D3 & sun lamp in the Winter & polarized sunglasses in Summer. No drinking or drugs but I will have a beer after a stressful week in the Summer. I also keep my stress level as low as possible. That's about it.
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Re: Homeopathic Meds as an Alternative to Western Meds

Post by shanarchy »

Hi ScottMentalPod,

I take D3, too. My doctor prescribed me 50,000 I.U. of D3 per week for 2 months, then 5,000 I.U. per day. It's supposed to be very helpful for depression. My blood test had shown I had "insufficient" D3. I'm planning on taking the test again in a few months to see if it's at a healthy level.

I'm curious about your polarized glasses. I've never heard about them being a healthy alternative, except for seeing clearer through them. Were they prescribed or suggested to you?

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