Having issues with guests

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Having issues with guests

Post by Bron »

This makes me feel mean, but there are some episodes that I've turned off after 10-20 minutes because the guest irritated me. Once because the person said "like" and "you know" so often that it drove me nuts. Couldn't get past one guest's droning voice. And I gave up on the guest who, although she's at least 35, speaks like a teenager. Describing your situation as "well it's super sad"?

Is it just me? Why can't I just listen and ignore these things?
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Re: Having issues with guests

Post by marathonbar »

Usually I find if you just stick with it for a little bit, the guest starts to feel more comfortable and will relax a little bit and the "likes" and "ums" will lessen.
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Re: Having issues with guests

Post by gfyourself »

I can't say I never notice these things but in the vast majority of cases when I stay with an episode I'll get a few useful points out of it. I think there have been only maybe two episodes where I've thought God that was a waste of time.
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Re: Having issues with guests

Post by inmymind »

I agree, there have only been a couple bummer episodes. There have been quite a few that just blew my mind. There were others were I felt so bad for the person telling the story. Overall, its something to look forward to every Friday. Not a bad average at all for the 125 shows to date. Good job Paul and guests.
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Re: Having issues with guests

Post by neufena »

I must admit I do that too sometimes. Then feel really bad about it. There was one recently where she sounded like the typical 'American teen brat' in films (I'm from the UK) and couldn't take her seriously as I equated her in my mind with 'mean girls' and all the bullies in school.

Then I realised how horridly prejudice that was of me, to discount somebody's credibility and feelings because of the sound of their voice or their mannerisms. It reinforced how bad a human being I am.
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Re: Having issues with guests

Post by kitkat »

I have noticed that with some guests, but I find that when I stick with it, the people will sometimes surprise me with their stories.
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Re: Having issues with guests

Post by Fargin »

^^Have to agree.

Some guests you just connect with instantly, while others take a little patience.

One of my favorite episodes, I struggled with for 10-20 minutes, to where I thought: "Hey maybe this one, just isn't meant for me," but then it changed focus and ended up touching me to tears. Everyone has a story to tell, but it's okay to have favorites.
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