Pulling things out of my skin.

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Re: Pulling things out of my skin.

Post by lance »

It is my humble opinion this fascination with pulling things out, squeezing tweezing and such is an ingrained survival trait. Tell me, who doesn't enjoy popping a zit? Or finding a smallish abscess-large zit and feeling the 'pop' and stuff jet out? These things have the potential to harbor pathogens, and whether we are conscious of it or not we want groom ourselves and pop squeeze or tweez these things before they become septic. Just my opinion-
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Re: Pulling things out of my skin.

Post by mclovin27 »

omg omg!! I love this place so much. I do this so often. I'll stand in front of the mirror several times a day plucking hairs from my chin and above my lip, my eyebrows (my eyebrows are so messed up because i do this) when i was younger and we first got the internet, I would sit in chat rooms and then have private conversations with people and while i would wait for them to type their responses, i would sit in the computer chair and tweeze the hairs from my legs and at one point i had completely tweezed both legs. I like to tweeze the hairs from my knuckles as well. I thinks i like this because it's more of a challenge to do. I have to be in bright light, with my hand against a dark surface to have that contrast because the hairs are so thin and light and hard to see and it's not even something that anyone would notice i ever did.
and i also enjoy picking the dead skin off my feet and try to hide the fact that i'm doing it because i also tend to do while just sitting and watching tv with my bf and i don't want him to think i'm weird and gross so i'll keep my feet under the blanket and try to do it with as little movement as possible
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Re: Pulling things out of my skin.

Post by oak »

If I may bring a little more nonsexual pulling-things, which disgustingness shames me. (But not too much shame to post here :)

Thinking about the fantasy below, I've identified three things I really love about pulling things out of my skin:

1. Anticipation
2. "Working" to get it out (closely related to the anticipation)
3. Good pain

Regarding pain: hairs growing out of my neck proper are all good for the right kind of pain. But de rigeuer beard hair? Heck no! A hair on the outside of my nose? The perfect pain. On the inside of my nose? Bad pain.

In general, everyday life, I hate pain. I don't like pain and I don't want to cause anyone else pain.

On to my revolting, complex, odd new fantasy. Weirdness follows.

Keeping in mind good pain, heaven for me would be to get 100 things a day to pull out of my skin.

For some reason fruit seeds are particularly compelling as far as size and the proper kind of good pain. I am not sure (or care) what the objects are made out of, but I'd want them to be the size and varying firmness of the following seeds. And they must be at specific areas. Examples:

1. Strawberry seed sized objects: I could absent mindedly rub and scrape these out of my forehead. I'd want 1/3 to easily come off with the first gentle pass of my fingers for an immediate emotional payoff. Another third I'd have to scrape with my fingernails for a moment, but the last third I'd really have to persist at. Not to the point of drawing blood, but just the delicious anticipation. 30 to 100 a day would be satisfying.

2. Pumpkin seeds: For some reason I'd don't care where I'd pick these out of. Behind my knees? Their slim shape would be just the perfect tug-pain. This is what I fantasize about every day. 15 a day would satisfy me.

3. Orange seed size: these would definitely be behind my right ear, I'd absolutely need to scrape these with my fingernails. 10 to 15 daily would be great.

4. Peach pit size: These would come right up to the boundary of good and bad pain, maybe even crossing that line by 5%. I might only get one a day, or two or three a week. Since this is my fantasy, I'd have two days to feel it getting ready. Oh the delicious anticipation. I'd really have to tug at this, and while the pain wouldn't be very severe, it would be a really deep, satisfying pain. This would be most properly located on my upper left back, just at the boundary of where my right hand could reach.

This is important:

These seed-things would come with a little hook, loop, or notch. I'd have tweezers that would match perfectly said loop. Thus I could get a firm grip on the seed-thing, for the proper satisfying pain.

While this is one of the weirdest fantasies I've ever confessed to, it is also at the same time the most essentially me. Others can dream about harps, halos, and clouds. This is heaven for me. Put me in a library with things to pull out of my skin absentmindedly, and that is my heaven.
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