gfyourself's Diary

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Joined: December 7th, 2012, 4:08 pm
Issues: Emotional eating, dysthymia, anxiety
Location: Ontario, Canada

gfyourself's Diary

Post by gfyourself »

Right, so I want to start this diary but I'm having these thoughts in my head (where else would they be?):
  • why bother, you won't keep it up
    you should be starting that work-related diary you purchased a domain several months ago but have not started
    it will take too much time
    you're already spending so much time looking at a screen, you don't want to add to it
Good news is I'm doing better than a month ago and have started a few tasks (eg. smoothie for breakfast, going to gym etc.) which I've done once or twice that I hope to continue.
I also started a new med about a month ago and it may actually be helping. At least its not showing side effects.
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Re: gfyourself's Diary

Post by Hokori »

Well I hope that the meds are starting to help, and that you're keeping up with the gym, that will really help. I think when I get up tomorrow morning I'm going to do some working out first thing and try and keep at it, the beer has started to make me a bit podgy.

I wouldn't worry about keeping up the diary, but it's always there if you want to write something down. Or maybe make yourself do it at least once a week. Set a reminder on your phone or something at a time that you know you won't be doing anything.

Good luck.
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Joined: December 7th, 2012, 4:08 pm
Issues: Emotional eating, dysthymia, anxiety
Location: Ontario, Canada

Pretty depressed

Post by gfyourself »

Thanks Hokori for your reply a few months ago! :D

So I'm pretty depressed right now.

I'm writing this entry as part of a new wordpress blog I"m starting but I will cross-post here. At least I'm getting something done.

Sometimes the summers are so hard when the weather is good, it feels like everyone has something to do except for me. When I go to work on monday and people ask me what I did for the weekend I say "nothing". Maybe they think I'm a bit weird I don't know.

The funny strange thing is I could be doing a number of things:
  • cleaning the bathroom

    Making a list for my move in approximately two weeks

    writing a blog post about a topic that I like / have a point of view on.
I've been on the okcupid dating site in the past few days. I've gotten quite a few likes (though okc sort of makes those get generated by making everyone rate other people as in like or don't like). However I don't want to talk to anyone yet because the only pic I"ve posted is 5 years old and is me about 40 lbs less.
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Re: gfyourself's Diary

Post by manuel_moe_g »

Hope you can triumph over the summertime blues. If you are depressed now, take baby-steps with everything, keep chugging along, and love yourself because you deserve it. Please take care, all the best, we here are cheering for you and for your greatest today and tomorrow, gfyourself! :D :D :D
~~~~~~ -- Obsequious Thumbtack Headdress
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